EVpedia provide top 100+ EV markers, selected according to their identification number.
Based on EV proteomes, we defined the identification number of protein A as the number of datasets which contain protein A.
Therefore, proteins with higher identification numbers were more conserved.


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Protein name Gene symbol UniProt accession Identification number
Receptor-type tyrosine-protein phosphatase R (R-PTP-R) (EC (Phosphotyrosine phosphatase 13) (Protein-tyrosine-phosphatase SL)Ptprr Ptp13Q621323
Regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis protein 2 (Rab-3-interacting molecule 2) (RIM 2) (Rab-3-interacting protein 2)Rims2 Rab3ip2 Rim2Q9EQZ73
Regulation of nuclear pre-mRNA domain-containing protein 2Rprd2 Kiaa0460Q6NXI63
Regulator of G-protein signaling 10 (RGS10)Rgs10Q9CQE53
Regulator of G-protein signaling 9-binding protein (RGS9-anchoring protein)Rgs9bp R9apQ148R93
RELT-like protein 1Rell1Q8K2J73
Replication factor C subunit 4 (Activator 1 subunit 4)Rfc4Q99J623
Replication protein A 14 kDa subunit (RP-A p14) (Replication factor A protein 3) (RF-A protein 3)Rpa3Q9CQ713
Reticulon-1 (Neuroendocrine-specific protein)Rtn1 NspQ8K0T03
Retinoic acid receptor RXR-beta (MHC class I regulatory element-binding protein H-2RIIBP) (Nuclear receptor subfamily 2 group B member 2) (Retinoid X receptor beta)Rxrb Nr2b2P287043
Reversion-inducing cysteine-rich protein with Kazal motifs (mRECK)ReckQ9Z0J13
Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 3Arhgef3Q91X463
Rho-related BTB domain-containing protein 3 (EC 3.6.1.-)Rhobtb3 Kiaa0878Q9CTN43
Rho-related GTP-binding protein RhoG (Sid 10750)Rhog Arhg Sid10750P840963
Rhomboid domain-containing protein 2 (Rhomboid-like protein 7)Rhbdd2 Rhbdl7Q8VEK23
Riboflavin kinase (EC (ATP:riboflavin 5'-phosphotransferase) (Flavokinase) (KOI-4)RfkQ8CFV93
Ribonuclease 3 (EC (Protein Drosha) (Ribonuclease III) (RNase III)Drosha Etohi2 Rn3 RnasenQ5HZJ03
Ribonuclease P protein subunit p25-like protein (RNase P protein subunit-like p25) (Rpp25-like protein)Rpp25lQ99JH13
Ribonucleoside-diphosphate reductase subunit M2 (EC (Ribonucleotide reductase small chain) (Ribonucleotide reductase small subunit)Rrm2P111573
Ribosomal protein S6 kinase alpha-3 (S6K-alpha-3) (EC (90 kDa ribosomal protein S6 kinase 3) (p90-RSK 3) (p90RSK3) (MAP kinase-activated protein kinase 1b) (MAPK-activated protein kinase 1b) (MAPKAP kinase 1b) (MAPKAPK-1b) (Ribosomal S6 kinase 2) (RSK-2) (pp90RSK2)Rps6ka3 Mapkapk1b Rps6ka-rs1 Rsk2P186543
Ribosome production factor 2 homolog (Brix domain-containing protein 1) (Ribosome biogenesis protein RPF2 homolog)Rpf2 Bxdc1 MNCb-4285Q9JJ803
Ribosyldihydronicotinamide dehydrogenase [quinone] (EC (NRH dehydrogenase [quinone] 2) (NRH:quinone oxidoreductase 2) (Quinone reductase 2) (QR2)Nqo2 Nmor2Q9JI753
RIKEN cDNA 2610206B13, isoform CRA_b (RING finger protein 219)Rnf219 2610206B13Rik mCG_121034G3X8V53
RING finger protein 121Rnf121Q8R1Z93
RING finger protein 183Rnf183Q8QZS53
Ring finger protein 26Rnf26Q8BUH73
RING1 and YY1-binding protein (Death effector domain-associated factor) (DED-associated factor)Rybp DedafQ8CCI53
RISC-loading complex subunit TARBP2 (Protamine-1 RNA-binding protein) (PRM-1 RNA-binding protein) (TAR RNA-binding protein 2)Tarbp2 PrbpP974733
RNA polymerase II-associated protein 1Rpap1 Kiaa1403Q80TE03
RNA polymerase-associated protein CTR9 homolog (SH2 domain-binding protein 1) (Tetratricopeptide repeat-containing, SH2-binding phosphoprotein of 150 kDa) (TPR-containing, SH2-binding phosphoprotein of 150 kDa) (p150TSP)Ctr9 Kiaa0155 Sh2bp1Q620183
RNA-binding motif protein, Y chromosome, family 1 member A1 (RNA-binding motif protein 1) (Y chromosome RNA recognition motif 1)Rbmy1a1 RbmO356983
RNA-binding protein 14 (RNA-binding motif protein 14)Rbm14Q8C2Q33
RNA-binding protein 34 (RNA-binding motif protein 34)Rbm34 D8Ertd233eQ8C5L73
RNA-binding protein 38 (RNA-binding motif protein 38) (RNA-binding region-containing protein 1) (ssDNA-binding protein SEB4)Rbm38 Rnpc1 Seb4 Seb4lQ621763
RNA-binding protein 48Rbm48Q8K2X23
RNA-binding protein 5 (Putative tumor suppressor LUCA15) (RNA-binding motif protein 5)Rbm5 Luca15Q91YE73
RNA-binding protein EWSEwsr1 Ews EwshQ615453
RNA-binding protein with multiple splicing (RBP-MS) (Heart and RRM expressed sequence) (Hermes)Rbpms HermesQ9WVB03
RNA-binding protein with serine-rich domain 1Rnps1Q99M283
Roquin-1 (Roquin) (Protein Sanroque) (RING finger and C3H zinc finger protein 1) (RING finger and CCCH-type zinc finger domain-containing protein 1)Rc3h1 Gm551 Kiaa2025Q4VGL63
Roundabout homolog 1Robo1 Dutt1O890263
RUN and SH3 domain-containing protein 1Rusc1Q8BG263
RWD domain-containing protein 2BRwdd2b ORF5Q99M033
RWD domain-containing protein 4Rwdd4 Rwdd4aQ9CPR13
Sal-like 1 (Drosophila) (Sal-like protein 1)Sall1Q6P5E33
Schlafen-like protein 1Slfnl1Q8BHW93
Secernin-1Scrn1 Kiaa0193Q9CZC83
Secreted frizzled-related protein 2 (sFRP-2) (Protein SDF5) (Secreted apoptosis-related protein 1) (SARP-1)Sfrp2 Sarp1 Sdf5P972993
Secretory carrier-associated membrane protein 2 (Secretory carrier membrane protein 2)Scamp2Q9ERN03
Selection and upkeep of intraepithelial T-cells protein 7 (Skint-7)Skint7A7XV043
Sentrin-specific protease 1 (EC (SUMO-1 protease 2) (SuPr-2) (Sentrin/SUMO-specific protease SENP1)Senp1 Supr2P591103
Serglycin (Mastocytoma proteoglycan core protein) (Secretory granule proteoglycan core protein) (gp600)Srgn Prg Prg1P136093
Serine hydroxymethyltransferase (EC
Serine incorporator 5 (Axotomy-induced glycoprotein 3) (AIGP-3)Serinc5 Aigp3Q8BHJ63
Serine protease 44 (EC 3.4.21.-) (Testis serine protease 4) (TESSP-4) (Testis-specific serine protease 4)Prss44 Tessp4Q402U73
Serine protease hepsin (EC [Cleaved into: Serine protease hepsin non-catalytic chain; Serine protease hepsin catalytic chain]HpnO354533
Serine protease HTRA1 (EC 3.4.21.-) (High-temperature requirement A serine peptidase 1) (Serine protease 11)Htra1 Htra Prss11Q9R1183
Serine protease HTRA2, mitochondrial (EC (High temperature requirement protein A2) (HtrA2) (Omi stress-regulated endoprotease) (Serine protease 25) (Serine proteinase OMI)Htra2 Omi Prss25Q9JIY53
Serine/arginine repetitive matrix protein 2Srrm2 Kiaa0324Q8BTI83
Serine/Arginine-related protein 53 (SRrp53) (Arginine/serine-rich coiled-coil protein 1)Rsrc1 Srrp53Q9DBU63
Serine/arginine-rich-splicing factor 4 (Splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 4 (SRp75))Srsf4 Sfrs4 mCG_16265Q542V33
Serine/threonine-protein kinase 19 (EC (Protein RP1)Stk19 Rp1Q9JHN83
Serine/threonine-protein kinase B-raf (EC (Proto-oncogene B-Raf)Braf B-rafP280283
Serine/threonine-protein kinase DCLK3 (EC (CLICK-I and II-related) (CLr) (Doublecortin-like and CAM kinase-like 3) (Doublecortin-like kinase 3)Dclk3 Dcamkl3Q8BWQ53
Serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek3 (EC (Never in mitosis A-related kinase 3) (NimA-related protein kinase 3)Nek3Q9R0A53
Serine/threonine-protein kinase Nek8 (EC (Never in mitosis A-related kinase 8) (NimA-related protein kinase 8)Nek8 JckQ91ZR43
Serine/threonine-protein kinase RIO2 (EC (RIO kinase 2)Riok2Q9CQS53
Serine/threonine-protein kinase SIK3 (EC (Salt-inducible kinase 3) (SIK-3) (Serine/threonine-protein kinase QSK)Sik3 Kiaa0999 QskQ6P4S63
Serine/threonine-protein kinase TAO1 (EC (Thousand and one amino acid protein 1)Taok1 Kiaa1361Q5F2E83
Serine/threonine-protein kinase TAO3 (EC (Thousand and one amino acid protein 3)Taok3Q8BYC63
Serine/threonine-protein kinase tousled-like 2 (EC (PKU-alpha) (Tousled-like kinase 2)Tlk2 TlkO550473
Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 10 (MHC class I region proline-rich protein CAT53)Ppp1r10 Cat53 PnutsQ80W003
Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase 4 regulatory subunit 3A (SMEK homolog 1)Smek1 Kiaa2010 Pp4r3a Ppp4r3aQ6P2K63
Serine/threonine-protein phosphatase PGAM5, mitochondrial (EC (Phosphoglycerate mutase family member 5)Pgam5Q8BX103
Serologically defined colon cancer antigen 8 homolog (Centrosomal colon cancer autoantigen protein) (mCCCAP)Sdccag8 CccapQ80UF43
Serum deprivation-response protein (Cavin-2) (Phosphatidylserine-binding protein)Sdpr SdrQ639183
SET and MYND domain-containing protein 5 (EC 2.1.1.-) (Protein NN8-4AG) (Retinoic acid-induced protein 15)Smyd5 Rai15Q3TYX33
SH2 domain-containing adapter protein DShdO888343
SH3 and multiple ankyrin repeat domains protein 3 (Shank3) (Proline-rich synapse-associated protein 2) (ProSAP2) (SPANK-2)Shank3 Kiaa1650Q4ACU63
SH3 domain-containing protein 21Sh3d21Q7TSG53
Sharpin (Shank-associated RH domain-interacting protein) (Shank-interacting protein-like 1) (mSIPL1)Sharpin Cpdm Sipl1Q91WA63
SHC-transforming protein 3 (Neuronal Shc) (N-Shc) (SHC-transforming protein C) (Src homology 2 domain-containing-transforming protein C3) (SH2 domain protein C3)Shc3 Nshc ShcCQ611203
Short transient receptor potential channel 4-associated protein (Trp4-associated protein) (Trpc4-associated protein) (Protein TAP1) (Rabex-5/Rin2-interacting protein) (TNF-receptor ubiquitous scaffolding/signaling protein) (Protein TRUSS)Trpc4ap Trrp4apQ9JLV23
Signal peptide, CUB and EGF-like domain-containing protein 2Scube2D3YVM93
Signal recognition particle 19 kDa protein (Signal recognition particle 19, isoform CRA_a) (Srp19 protein)Srp19 mCG_121501Q9D1043
Signal recognition particle receptor subunit alpha (SR-alpha) (Docking protein alpha) (DP-alpha)SrprQ9DBG73
Signal recognition particle subunit SRP72Srp72F8VQC13
Signaling threshold-regulating transmembrane adapter 1 (SHP2-interacting transmembrane adapter protein) (Suppression-inducing transmembrane adapter 1)Sit1 SitQ8C5033
Single-stranded DNA cytosine deaminase (EC (Activation-induced cytidine deaminase) (Cytidine aminohydrolase)Aicda AidQ9WVE03
SLIT and NTRK-like protein 1Slitrk1 Sltk1Q810C13
Small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Sm D3 (Sm-D3) (snRNP core protein D3)Snrpd3P623203
Small ubiquitin-related modifier 2 (SUMO-2) (SMT3 homolog 2) (Sentrin-2) (Ubiquitin-like protein SMT3A) (Smt3A)Sumo2 Smt3a Smt3h2P619573
Sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter 3 (N-system amino acid transporter 1) (Na(+)-coupled neutral amino acid transporter 3) (Solute carrier family 38 member 3) (mNAT) (System N amino acid transporter 1)Slc38a3 Sn1 Snat3Q9DCP23
Sodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporter B(0)AT2 (Sodium- and chloride-dependent neurotransmitter transporter NTT73) (Solute carrier family 6 member 15) (Transporter v7-3)Slc6a15 B0at2 Ntt73Q8BG163
Sodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporter SLC6A17 (Sodium-dependent neurotransmitter transporter NTT4) (Solute carrier family 6 member 17)Slc6a17 Ntt4Q8BJI13
Sodium-dependent serotonin transporter (5HT transporter) (5HTT) (Solute carrier family 6 member 4)Slc6a4 Htt SertQ608573
Sodium/glucose cotransporter 2 (Na(+)/glucose cotransporter 2) (Low affinity sodium-glucose cotransporter) (Solute carrier family 5 member 2)Slc5a2 Sglt2Q923I73
Soluble scavenger receptor cysteine-rich domain-containing protein SSC5D (Scavenger receptor cysteine-rich domain-containing protein LOC284297 homolog)Ssc5d S5D-SRCRBQ8BV573
Solute carrier family 13 member 3 (Na(+)/dicarboxylate cotransporter 3) (NaDC-3) (mNaDC3) (Sodium-dependent high-affinity dicarboxylate transporter 2)Slc13a3 Nadc3 Sdct2Q91Y633
Solute carrier family 25 member 40Slc25a40Q8BGP63
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