EVpedia provide top 100+ EV markers, selected according to their identification number.
Based on EV proteomes, we defined the identification number of protein A as the number of datasets which contain protein A.
Therefore, proteins with higher identification numbers were more conserved.


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Protein name Gene symbol UniProt accession Identification number
Protein GAPT (Growth factor receptor-bound protein 2-binding adapter protein, transmembrane)GaptQ8CB932
Protein Gcn1l1Gcn1l1E9PVA82
Protein Gm12185 (Similar to T-cell specific GTPase)Gm12185 RP23-14F5.8 mCG_53753Q5NCB22
Protein Gm13177Gm13177B1AVU52
Protein Gm6614Gm6614L7N2512
Protein HEXIM2Hexim2Q3TVI42
Protein Hikeshi (Lethal gene on chromosome 7 Rinchik 6 protein)L7rn6Q9DD022
Protein Hmgxb3 (RIKEN cDNA A630042L21, isoform CRA_a)Hmgxb3 A630042L21Rik mCG_130312G3X9M32
Protein JTBJtb Gm622O888242
Protein kinase C beta type (PKC-B) (PKC-beta) (EC Pkcb Prkcb1P684042
Protein kinase C delta type (EC (Tyrosine-protein kinase PRKCD) (EC (nPKC-delta) [Cleaved into: Protein kinase C delta type regulatory subunit; Protein kinase C delta type catalytic subunit (Sphingosine-dependent protein kinase-1) (SDK1)]Prkcd PkcdP288672
Protein kinase C epsilon type (EC (nPKC-epsilon)Prkce Pkce PkceaP160542
Protein Klhl18Klhl18E9Q4F22
Protein Klri1Klri1B2KG202
Protein Ldlrad1Ldlrad1D3YYZ12
Protein lifeguard 3 (Responsive to centrifugal force and shear stress gene 1 protein) (Protein RECS1) (Transmembrane BAX inhibitor motif-containing protein 1)Tmbim1 Lfg3 Recs1Q8BJZ32
Protein lin-7 homolog B (Lin-7B) (Mammalian lin-seven protein 2) (MALS-2) (Vertebrate lin-7 homolog 2) (Veli-2)Lin7b Mals2 Veli2O889512
Protein LYRIC (3D3/LYRIC) (Lysine-rich CEACAM1 co-isolated protein) (Metadherin) (Metastasis adhesion protein)Mtdh LyricQ80WJ72
Protein MccMccE9PWI32
Protein MEMO1 (Mediator of ErbB2-driven cell motility 1) (Memo-1)Memo1Q91VH62
Protein misato homolog 1Msto1Q2YDW22
Protein Mllt6Mllt6B1AR092
Protein MMS22-like (Methyl methanesulfonate-sensitivity protein 22-like)Mms22lB1AUR62
Protein naked cuticle homolog 1 (Naked-1) (mNkd) (mNkd1)Nkd1Q99MH62
Protein O-mannose kinase (POMK) (EC 2.7.1.-) (Protein kinase-like protein SgK196) (Sugen kinase 196)Pomk Sgk196Q3TUA92
Protein Olfr1303Olfr1303A2AVW12
Protein Olfr322Olfr322 Olfr179Q5NCC82
Protein Olfr332Olfr332Q5NC452
Protein Olfr432Olfr432E9Q8M22
Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 14A (17 kDa PKC-potentiated inhibitory protein of PP1) (Protein kinase C-potentiated inhibitor protein of 17 kDa) (CPI-17)Ppp1r14a Cpi17Q91VC72
Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 35Ppp1r35Q9D8C82
Protein phosphatase 1F (EC (Ca(2+)/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase phosphatase) (CaM-kinase phosphatase) (CaMKPase)Ppm1fQ8CGA02
Protein phosphatase 1K, mitochondrial (EC (Protein phosphatase 2C isoform kappa) (PP2C-kappa)Ppm1k Pp2cmQ8BXN72
Protein phosphatase 1L (EC (Protein phosphatase 1-like) (Protein phosphatase 2C isoform epsilon) (PP2C-epsilon)Ppm1l Kiaa4175Q8BHN02
Protein phosphatase Slingshot homolog 1 (EC (EC (SSH-like protein 1) (SSH-1L) (mSSH-1L)Ssh1 Kiaa1298 Ssh1lQ76I792
Protein polybromo-1Pbrm1F8VQD12
Protein preY, mitochondrialPyurf Pigy PreyQ9D1C32
Protein Prpmp5Prpmp5E9PXN12
Protein PRRC2A (HLA-B-associated transcript 2) (Proline-rich and coiled-coil-containing protein 2A)Prrc2a Bat2Q7TSC12
Protein PTHB1 (Bardet-Biedl syndrome 9 protein homolog) (Parathyroid hormone-responsive B1 gene protein homolog)Bbs9 Pthb1Q811G02
Protein Pydc4Pydc4Q3UPZ52
Protein Qser1Qser1A2BIE12
Protein R3hdm1R3hdm1E9Q9Q22
Protein Rfx7Rfx7F8VPJ62
Protein Rhox4d (Putative uncharacterized protein Rhox4.4) (Reproductive homeobox 4D)Rhox4d Rhox4.4Q2MDG02
Protein RIC-3 (Resistant to inhibitor of cholinesterase 3)Ric3Q8BPM62
Protein Rsf1Rsf1E9Q4Y22
Protein S100-A10 (Calpactin I light chain) (Calpactin-1 light chain) (Cellular ligand of annexin II) (S100 calcium-binding protein A10) (p10 protein) (p11)S100a10 Cal1lP082072
Protein Scand1 (SCAN domain-containing 1) (Scand1)Scand1 mCG_5214Q2M4I62
Protein Scml2Scml2E9Q7962
Protein scribble homolog (Scribble) (Protein LAP4)Scrib Kiaa0147 Lap4 Scrib1Q80U722
Protein SEC13 homolog (SEC13-like protein 1) (SEC13-related protein)Sec13 Sec13l1Q9D1M02
Protein Sec16aSec16aE9QAT42
Protein Sec24b (Sec24 related gene family, member B (S. cerevisiae))Sec24bQ80ZX02
Protein sel-1 homolog 1 (Suppressor of lin-12-like protein 1) (Sel-1L)Sel1l Sel1hQ9Z2G62
Protein Sirpb1a (SIRP-beta B-type)SIRP-beta Sirpb1aQ6F5F22
Protein Slc17a3 (Solute carrier family 17 (Sodium phosphate), member 3, isoform CRA_a)Slc17a3 mCG_16998G3UWD92
Protein Slc22a14 (Solute carrier family 22 (Organic cation transporter), member 14)Slc22a14 Gm1128 mCG_21885Q497L92
Protein Slc37a4 (Solute carrier family 37 (Glucose-6-phosphate transporter), member 4) (Solute carrier family 37 (Glycerol-6-phosphate transporter), member 4)Slc37a4 mCG_10718Q9D1F92
Protein Slc8a3Slc8a3E9PX502
Protein SOX-15Sox15 Sox-15P432672
Protein Speer4aSpeer4aF8VPX62
Protein Spindly (Coiled-coil domain-containing protein 99) (Spindle apparatus coiled-coil domain-containing protein 1)Spdl1 Ccdc99Q923A22
Protein sprouty homolog 2 (Spry-2)Spry2Q9QXV82
Protein SREK1IP1 (SFRS12-interacting protein 1) (SREK1-interacting protein 1)Srek1ip1 Sfrs12ip1Q4V9W22
Protein Srsf11Srsf11E9Q6E52
Protein TALPID3Talpid3E9PV872
Protein TANC1 (Tetratricopeptide repeat, ankyrin repeat and coiled-coil domain-containing protein 1)Tanc1Q0VGY82
Protein Tatdn2Tatdn2F8VQE62
Protein TMED8Tmed8Q3UHI42
Protein Tmem198b (RIKEN cDNA 1110012D08, isoform CRA_a) (Uncharacterized protein)Tmem198b 1110012D08Rik mCG_18665Q8CFU02
Protein Tns1Tns1E9Q0S62
Protein transport protein Sec24A (SEC24-related protein A)Sec24aQ3U2P12
Protein TrdnTrdnE9Q9K52
Protein Ttc13Ttc13Q3UMK42
Protein unc-119 homolog A (Retinal protein 4) (mRG4)Unc119 Unc119hQ9Z2R62
Protein Upf3bUpf3bQ3ULL62
Protein UtrnUtrnE9Q6R72
Protein Vmn2r29Vmn2r29L7N2D42
Protein Vmn2r54Vmn2r54K7N6492
Protein Wdr63 (Wdr63 protein)Wdr63B2RY712
Protein XRP2Rp2 Rp2hQ9EPK22
Protein YIF1A (YIP1-interacting factor homolog A)Yif1aQ91XB72
Protein YIPF1 (YIP1 family member 1)Yipf1Q91VU12
Protein Zfp207Zfp207E9PW122
Protein Zfp384Zfp384E9Q1A52
Protein Zfp455 (Zinc finger protein 455)Zfp455Q7M6X92
Protein Zfp68 (Zinc finger protein 68, isoform CRA_a)Zfp68 mCG_23668Q8BLK62
Protein Zfp763Zfp763Q8BIC72
Protein Zfp777 (Zinc finger protein 777)Zfp777B9EKF42
Protein Zfp935 (Uncharacterized protein)Zfp935 8430426H19RikQ14DI02
Protein Zfp942Zfp942 Zfp944B8JJA72
Protein Zfp945Zfp945E9PYM82
Protein Zmym6Zmym6 D4Wsu24e Zfp258Q8BS542
Protein-arginine deiminase type-3 (EC (Peptidylarginine deiminase III) (Protein-arginine deiminase type III)Padi3 Pdi3Q9Z1842
Protein-tyrosine sulfotransferase 2 (Protein-tyrosine sulfotransferase 2, isoform CRA_a)Tpst2 mCG_3482Q3TQN12
Proto-oncogene c-Fos (Cellular oncogene fos)FosP011012
Proto-oncogene MasMas1 Mas Mas-1P305542
Protocadherin gamma subfamily A, 7Pcdhga7Q6DD962
Protoheme IX farnesyltransferase, mitochondrial (EC 2.5.1.-) (Heme O synthase)Cox10Q8CFY52
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