EVpedia provide top 100+ EV markers, selected according to their identification number.
Based on EV proteomes, we defined the identification number of protein A as the number of datasets which contain protein A.
Therefore, proteins with higher identification numbers were more conserved.


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Protein name Gene symbol UniProt accession Identification number
Solute carrier family 41 member 2Slc41a2Q8BYR82
Something about silencing protein 10 (Charged amino acid-rich leucine zipper 1) (Crl-1) (Disrupter of silencing SAS10) (UTP3 homolog)Utp3 Crl1 Crlz1 Sas10Q9JI132
Son of sevenless homolog 1 (SOS-1) (mSOS-1)Sos1Q622452
Sorbitol dehydrogenase (EC (L-iditol 2-dehydrogenase)Sord Sdh1Q644422
Sorting and assembly machinery component 50 homologSamm50Q8BGH22
Sorting nexin 18 (Sorting nexin-18)Snx18 Snag1Q8C7882
Sorting nexin 3 (Sorting nexin 3, isoform CRA_b) (Sorting nexin-3)Snx3 mCG_121767Q78ZM02
Sorting nexin-17Snx17Q8BVL32
Sorting nexin-29Snx29Q9D3S32
Sorting nexin-4Snx4Q91YJ22
Sp110 nuclear body protein (Intracellular pathogen resistance protein 1)Sp110 Ifi75 Ipr1Q8BVK92
SpartinSpg20 Kiaa0610Q8R1X62
Spatacsin (Spastic paraplegia 11 protein homolog)Spg11 Kiaa1840Q3UHA32
Spermatogenesis-associated protein 6 (Kinesin-related protein)Spata6 HashQ3U6K52
Spermine oxidase (EC (Polyamine oxidase 1) (PAO-1) (PAOh1)Smox SmoQ99K822
Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 3 (S1P receptor 3) (S1P3) (Endothelial differentiation G-protein coupled receptor 3) (Lysophospholipid receptor B3) (Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor Edg-3) (S1P receptor Edg-3)S1pr3 Edg3 Lpb3Q9Z0U92
Sphingosine-1-phosphate phosphatase 1 (SPP) (SPPase1) (mSPP1) (EC 3.1.3.-) (Sphingosine-1-phosphatase 1)Sgpp1 Spp1 Spph1Q9JI992
Spindle and kinetochore-associated protein 2 (Protein FAM33A)Ska2 Fam33aQ9CR462
Spliceosome RNA helicase Ddx39b (EC (56 kDa U2AF65-associated protein) (DEAD box protein UAP56) (HLA-B-associated transcript 1 protein)Ddx39b Bat1 Bat1a Uap56Q9Z1N52
Spliceosome-associated protein CWC15 homolog (Embryonic development factor 1) (mED1)Cwc15 Ed1Q9JHS92
Splicing factor, suppressor of white-apricot homolog (Splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 8) (Suppressor of white apricot protein homolog)Sfswap Sfrs8 Srsf8 SwapQ3USH52
SPRY domain-containing SOCS box protein 2 (SSB-2) (Gene-rich cluster protein C9)Spsb2 Grcc9 Ssb2O888382
Sterol O-acyltransferase 2 (EC (Acyl-coenzyme A:cholesterol acyltransferase 2) (ACAT-2) (Cholesterol acyltransferase 2)Soat2 Acact-2 Acat2O889082
Sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1 (SREBP-1) (Sterol regulatory element-binding transcription factor 1) [Cleaved into: Processed sterol regulatory element-binding protein 1]Srebf1 Srebp1Q9WTN32
Stomatin-like protein 1 (SLP-1)Stoml1Q8CI662
Stromal cell-derived factor 1 (SDF-1) (12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate repressed protein 1) (TPAR1) (C-X-C motif chemokine 12) (Pre-B cell growth-stimulating factor) (PBSF) (Thymic lymphoma cell-stimulating factor) (TLSF)Cxcl12 Sdf1P402242
Stromal cell-derived factor 2 (SDF-2)Sdf2Q9DCT52
Stromal interaction molecule 1Stim1 SimP703022
Structural maintenance of chromosomes protein 4 (SMC protein 4) (SMC-4) (Chromosome-associated polypeptide C) (XCAP-C homolog)Smc4 Capc Smc4l1Q8CG472
Structural maintenance of chromosomes protein 6 (SMC protein 6) (SMC-6) (mSMC6)Smc6 Kiaa4103 Smc6l1Q924W52
Succinate receptor 1 (G-protein coupled receptor 91)Sucnr1 Gpr91Q99MT62
Succinyl-CoA ligase [ADP/GDP-forming] subunit alpha, mitochondrial (EC (EC (Succinyl-CoA synthetase subunit alpha) (SCS-alpha)Suclg1Q9WUM52
Sulfatase-modifying factor 2 (C-alpha-formylglycine-generating enzyme 2)Sumf2Q8BPG62
SUN domain-containing protein 5 (Sperm-associated antigen 4-like protein)Sun5 Spag4lQ9DA322
Supervillin (Archvillin) (p205/p250)SvilQ8K4L32
Surfeit locus protein 2 (Surf-2)Surf2 Surf-2P099262
Surfeit locus protein 6Surf6 Surf-6P702792
Sushi, von Willebrand factor type A, EGF and pentraxin domain-containing protein 1 (Polydom)Svep1A2AVA02
SWI/SNF-related matrix-associated actin-dependent regulator of chromatin subfamily E member 1 (BRG1-associated factor 57) (BAF57)Smarce1 Baf57O549412
Synapsin-3 (Synapsin III)Syn3Q8JZP22
Synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2A (Synaptic vesicle protein 2) (Synaptic vesicle protein 2A) (Calcium regulator SV2A)Sv2a Kiaa0736 Sv2Q9JIS52
Synaptic vesicle membrane protein VAT-1 homolog (EC 1.-.-.-)Vat1 Vat-1Q624652
Synaptonemal complex central element protein 2Syce2Q505B82
Synaptonemal complex protein SC65 (Leprecan-like protein 4)Leprel4 Sc65Q8K2B02
Synaptosomal-associated protein 29 (SNAP-29) (Golgi SNARE of 32 kDa) (Gs32) (Soluble 29 kDa NSF attachment protein) (Vesicle-membrane fusion protein SNAP-29)Snap29Q9ERB02
Syndecan-1 (SYND1) (CD antigen CD138)Sdc1 Synd-1 Synd1P188282
Syndecan-4 (SYND4) (Ryudocan core protein)Sdc4O359882
Syntaxin 7 (Syntaxin-7)Stx7 Stx-7 mCG_6753Q8BH402
Syntaxin-4Stx4 Stx4aP704522
Syntaxin-5Stx5 Stx5aQ8K1E02
Syntaxin-binding protein 2 (MUSEC1) (Protein unc-18 homolog 2) (Munc18-2) (Unc18-2) (Protein unc-18 homolog B) (Unc-18B)Stxbp2 Unc18bQ643242
Syntaxin-binding protein 3 (MUNC-18-3) (Mammalian homolog of Unc-18c) (Munc-18c) (Protein unc-18 homolog 3) (Unc18-3) (Protein unc-18 homolog C) (Unc-18C)Stxbp3 Stxbp3a Unc18cQ607702
T-box transcription factor TBX3 (T-box protein 3)Tbx3P703242
T-cell immunomodulatory protein (Protein TIP) (Integrin-alpha FG-GAP repeat-containing protein 1)Itfg1 D8Wsu49e TipQ99KW92
T-cell surface glycoprotein CD3 epsilon chain (T-cell surface antigen T3/Leu-4 epsilon chain) (CD antigen CD3e)Cd3eP226462
Talin-1Tln1 TlnP260392
Tankyrase-1 (TANK1) (EC (ADP-ribosyltransferase diphtheria toxin-like 5) (ARTD5) (TRF1-interacting ankyrin-related ADP-ribose polymerase 1) (Tankyrase I)Tnks Tnks1Q6PFX92
Tankyrase-2 (TANK2) (EC (ADP-ribosyltransferase diphtheria toxin-like 6) (ARTD6) (TNKS-2) (TRF1-interacting ankyrin-related ADP-ribose polymerase 2) (Tankyrase II)Tnks2 Tank2Q3UES32
Tapasin (TPN) (TPSN) (TAP-associated protein) (TAP-binding protein)Tapbp TapaQ9R2332
TAR DNA-binding protein 43 (TDP-43)Tardbp Tdp43Q921F22
Target of Myb protein 1Tom1O887462
TBC1 domain family member 4 (Akt substrate of 160 kDa) (AS160)Tbc1d4 As160 Kiaa0603Q8BYJ62
Telomeric repeat-binding factor 1 (TTAGGG repeat-binding factor 1)Terf1 Trf1P703712
Telomeric repeat-binding factor 2 (TTAGGG repeat-binding factor 2) (Telomeric DNA-binding protein)Terf2 Trf2O351442
Telomeric repeat-binding factor 2-interacting protein 1 (TERF2-interacting telomeric protein 1) (TRF2-interacting telomeric protein 1) (Repressor/activator protein 1 homolog) (RAP1 homolog)Terf2ip Rap1 MNCb-0448 MNCb-0628Q91VL82
Teneurin-4 (Ten-4) (Downstream of CHOP4) (Protein Odd Oz/ten-m homolog 4) (Tenascin-M4) (Ten-m4) (Teneurin transmembrane protein 4)Tenm4 Doc4 Kiaa1302 Odz4 Tnm4Q3UHK62
Terminal uridylyltransferase 7 (TUTase 7) (EC (Zinc finger CCHC domain-containing protein 6)Zcchc6 Kiaa1711 Tut7Q5BLK42
Testis-expressed sequence 9 protein (Testis-specifically expressed protein 1) (Tsec-1)Tex9Q9D8452
Tetraspanin-3 (Tspan-3) (OSP-associated protein 1) (OAP-1) (Tetraspanin TM4-A) (Transmembrane 4 superfamily member 8)Tspan3 Tm4sf8Q9QY332
Tetraspanin-8 (Tspan-8)Tspan8Q8R3G92
Tetratricopeptide repeat protein 14 (TPR repeat protein 14)Ttc14 Kiaa1980Q9CSP92
Tetratricopeptide repeat protein 19, mitochondrial (TPR repeat protein 19)Ttc19Q8CC212
Tetratricopeptide repeat protein 30B (TPR repeat protein 30B)Ttc30bQ9CY002
TFIIH basal transcription factor complex helicase XPB subunit (EC (Basic transcription factor 2 89 kDa subunit) (BTF2 p89) (DNA excision repair protein ERCC-3) (DNA repair protein complementing XP-B cells) (TFIIH 89 kDa subunit) (Xeroderma pigmentosum group B-complementing protein)Ercc3 Xpb XpbcP491352
THAP domain-containing protein 7Thap7Q8VCZ32
Thiopurine S-methyltransferase (EC (Thiopurine methyltransferase)TpmtO550602
Thioredoxin domain-containing protein 17 (14 kDa thioredoxin-related protein) (TRP14) (Protein 42-9-9) (Thioredoxin-like protein 5)Txndc17 Txnl5Q9CQM52
Thioredoxin domain-containing protein 5 (Endoplasmic reticulum resident protein 46) (ER protein 46) (ERp46) (Plasma cell-specific thioredoxin-related protein) (PC-TRP) (Thioredoxin-like protein p46)Txndc5 Tlp46Q91W902
Thioredoxin-interacting protein (Vitamin D3 up-regulated protein 1)Txnip Vdup1Q8BG602
Threonine aspartase 1 (Taspase-1) (EC 3.4.25.-) [Cleaved into: Threonine aspartase subunit alpha; Threonine aspartase subunit beta]Tasp1Q8R1G12
Threonine--tRNA ligase, cytoplasmic (EC (Threonyl-tRNA synthetase) (ThrRS)TarsQ9D0R22
Threonine--tRNA ligase, mitochondrial (EC (Threonyl-tRNA synthetase) (ThrRS) (Threonyl-tRNA synthetase-like 1)Tars2 Tarsl1Q3UQ842
Thymidylate synthase (TS) (TSase) (EC
Thymocyte nuclear protein 1 (Thymocyte protein Thy28) (mThy28)Thyn1 Thy28Q91YJ32
Thymosin beta-4 (T beta 4) [Cleaved into: Hematopoietic system regulatory peptide (Seraspenide)]Tmsb4x Ptmb4 Tmsb4P200652
Thyroid receptor-interacting protein 6 (TR-interacting protein 6) (TRIP-6) (Zyxin-related protein 1) (ZRP-1)Trip6 Zrp1Q9Z1Y42
Tissue factor pathway inhibitor (TFPI) (Extrinsic pathway inhibitor) (EPI) (Lipoprotein-associated coagulation inhibitor) (LACI)TfpiO548192
TLC domain-containing protein 1Tlcd1Q99JT62
TNF receptor-associated factor 4 (Cysteine-rich motif associated to RING and Traf domains protein 1)Traf4 Cart1Q613822
Toll-interacting proteinTollipQ9QZ062
TOM1-like protein 2 (Target of Myb-like protein 2)Tom1l2Q5SRX12
Tomoregulin-1 (TR-1) (M7365) (Transmembrane protein with EGF-like and one follistatin-like domain)Tmeff1Q6PFE72
TP53RK-binding proteinTprkbQ8QZZ72
TRAF family member-associated NF-kappa-B activator (TRAF-interacting protein) (I-TRAF)Tank ItrafP703472
TRAF-type zinc finger domain-containing protein 1 (Protein FLN29)Trafd1 Fln29Q3UDK12
Trafficking protein particle complex subunit 6BTrappc6bQ9D2892
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