EVpedia provide top 100+ EV markers, selected according to their identification number.
Based on EV proteomes, we defined the identification number of protein A as the number of datasets which contain protein A.
Therefore, proteins with higher identification numbers were more conserved.


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Protein name Gene symbol UniProt accession Identification number
Protein Ccdc141Ccdc141E9Q8Q61
Protein Ccl17Ccl17F6R5P41
Protein Cep350Cep350E9Q3091
Protein Ces2f (Uncharacterized protein)Ces2f 2310038E17RikQ08ED51
Protein CIP2A (Cancerous inhibitor of PP2A) (p90 autoantigen homolog)Kiaa1524 Cip2aQ8BWY91
Protein CLN8Cln8Q9QUK31
Protein Col6a3Col6a3J3QQ161
Protein cornichon homolog 1 (CNIH-1) (Cornichon family AMPA receptor auxiliary protein 1) (Protein cornichon homolog)Cnih1 CnihO353721
Protein Cped1 (Uncharacterized protein)Cped1 A430107O13RikB2RX701
Protein Cpsf4lCpsf4lE9Q2N01
Protein cramped-like (Hematological and neurological expressed 1-like protein)Cramp1l Hn1l Kiaa1426 Tce4Q6PG951
Protein CREG2Creg2Q8BGC91
Protein CYR61 (3CH61) (CCN family member 1) (Cysteine-rich angiogenic inducer 61) (Insulin-like growth factor-binding protein 10) (IBP-10) (IGF-binding protein 10) (IGFBP-10)Cyr61 Ccn1 Igfbp10P184061
Protein DBF4 homolog A (MuDBF4)Dbf4 Dbf4aQ9QZ411
Protein DDX26BDdx26bQ8BND41
Protein DEKDekQ7TNV01
Protein delta homolog 2 (DLK-2) (Endothelial cell-specific protein S-1) (Epidermal growth factor-like protein 9) (EGF-like protein 9)Dlk2 Egfl9Q8K1E31
Protein DENND6A (DENN domain-containing protein 6A)Dennd6aQ8BH651
Protein DENND6B (DENN domain-containing protein 6B)Dennd6bQ9D9V71
Protein DEPP (Fat-specific-expressed gene protein)Depp FsegQ8K2F31
Protein DGCR14 (DiGeorge syndrome critical region 14 homolog) (ES2 protein) (Expressed sequence 2 embryonic lethal)Dgcr14 Dgsi Es2 Es2elO702791
Protein DGCR6 (DiGeorge syndrome critical region 6 homolog)Dgcr6O353471
Protein DgkhDgkhD3YXJ01
Protein dispatched homolog 2Disp2 Kiaa1742Q8CIP51
Protein disulfide-isomerase A5 (EC (Protein disulfide isomerase-related protein)Pdia5 PdirQ921X91
Protein disulfide-isomerase-like protein of the testisPdiltQ9DAN11
Protein dopey-2Dopey2 Kiaa0933Q3UHQ61
Protein Dr1 (Down-regulator of transcription 1) (Negative cofactor 2-beta) (NC2-beta) (TATA-binding protein-associated phosphoprotein)Dr1Q91WV01
Protein E430018J23RikE430018J23RikE9PZQ81
Protein Elmsan1Elmsan1 C130039O16RikE9Q2I41
Protein ELYS (Embryonic large molecule derived from yolk sac) (Protein MEL-28) (Putative AT-hook-containing transcription factor 1)Ahctf1 ElysQ8CJF71
Protein EVI2A (Ecotropic viral integration site 2A protein) (EVI-2A)Evi2a Evi-2 Evi-2a Evi2P209341
Protein FAM101AFam101aQ7TS731
Protein FAM102AFam102aQ78T811
Protein FAM110BFam110bQ8C7391
Protein FAM111AFam111a Kiaa1895Q9D2L91
Protein FAM122AFam122aQ9DB521
Protein FAM132AFam132a C1qdc2 C1qtnf12 Ctrp12Q8R2Z01
Protein FAM134CFam134cQ9CQV41
Protein FAM136AFam136aQ9CR981
Protein FAM13BFam13b Fam13b1Q8K2H31
Protein FAM13CFam13c Fam13c1Q9DBR21
Protein FAM160A1Fam160a1Q505K21
Protein FAM161AFam161aQ8QZV61
Protein FAM162A (E2-induced gene 5 protein homolog) (Growth and transformation-dependent protein) (HGTD-P)Fam162a E2ig5Q9D6U81
Protein Fam170bFam170bE9PXT91
Protein FAM172AFam172aQ3TNH51
Protein FAM173AFam173aQ501J21
Protein FAM173BFam173bQ9D1Z31
Protein FAM177A1Fam177a1Q8BR631
Protein FAM188A (Protein CARP)Fam188a CarpQ9CV281
Protein FAM193BFam193b Kiaa1931Q3U2K01
Protein FAM194AFam194aD3Z6S91
Protein FAM208B (Peripheral benzodiazepine receptor-associated protein 20)Fam208b Kiaa2006 Pap20Q5DTT31
Protein FAM210AFam210aQ8BGY71
Protein FAM214AFam214a Kiaa1370Q69ZK71
Protein FAM216BFam216bQ8CC141
Protein FAM219BFam219bQ14DQ11
Protein FAM221BFam221bQ8C6271
Protein FAM222BFam222bQ6P5391
Protein FAM25CFam25cQ8CF021
Protein FAM26FFam26fQ8C9E81
Protein FAM3AFam3aQ9D8T01
Protein FAM43AFam43aQ8BUP81
Protein FAM50A (Protein XAP-5)Fam50a D0HXS9928E Xap5Q9WV031
Protein FAM53BFam53bQ8BGR51
Protein FAM53CFam53cQ8BXQ81
Protein FAM57AFam57aQ5ND561
Protein FAM60A (Tera protein)Fam60a TeraQ8C8M11
Protein FAM73BFam73bQ8BK031
Protein FAM91A1Fam91a1 D15Ertd621e Kiaa0493Q3UVG31
Protein farnesyltransferase/geranylgeranyltransferase type-1 subunit alpha (EC (EC (CAAX farnesyltransferase subunit alpha) (FTase-alpha) (Ras proteins prenyltransferase subunit alpha) (Type I protein geranyl-geranyltransferase subunit alpha) (GGTase-I-alpha)FntaQ612391
Protein Fat1Fat1F2Z4A31
Protein Fbrsl1Fbrsl1E9PUB61
Protein FRA10AC1 homologFra10ac1Q8BP781
Protein FRG1 (FSHD region gene 1 protein)Frg1P973761
Protein Fubp3Fubp3Q3TIX61
Protein Gbp6Gbp6L7N1X81
Protein Gm13084Gm13084A2A8N01
Protein Gm13154Gm13154A2A7A51
Protein Gm13769 (Protein Olfr1506)Olfr1265 Gm13769 Olfr1506A2ATW21
Protein Gm3435Gm3435F6UWZ41
Protein Gm4340Gm4340L7N2C41
Protein Gm5416 (Stefin-A1-like 1)Gm5416 EG408196 Gm4758 Stfa1l1Q6IE281
Protein Gm5662 (Protein Gm8300)Gm8300 Gm5662Q3UTA41
Protein Gm5878Gm5878E9PUB31
Protein Gm7073Gm7073E9QAS11
Protein Gm8267Gm8267E9PW761
Protein GPR107Gpr107 Kiaa1624Q8BUV81
Protein GTLF3B (Gene trap locus protein F3-2) (Gene trap locus protein F3b)Gtlf3b Gm16515Q9DBW31
Protein Gucy1a2Gucy1a2F8VQK31
Protein hairlessHrQ616451
Protein HIDE1 (Highly expressed in immature dendritic cell transcript 1 protein)Hide1Q75VT81
Protein Hmcn1Hmcn1D3YXG01
Protein Ift140Ift140E9PY461
Protein Il20rbIl20rbE9Q9A61
Protein IMPACT (Imprinted and ancient gene protein)ImpactO550911
Protein inscuteable homolog (Minsc)InscQ3HNM71
Protein Iqgap3Iqgap3F8VQ291
Protein ITFG3Itfg3Q8C0Z11
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