EVpedia provide top 100+ EV markers, selected according to their identification number.
Based on EV proteomes, we defined the identification number of protein A as the number of datasets which contain protein A.
Therefore, proteins with higher identification numbers were more conserved.


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Protein name Gene symbol UniProt accession Identification number
Protein Rhox8 (Reproductive homeobox 8) (TOX)Rhox8 ToxQ6VSS71
Protein ripply1Ripply1Q2WG771
Protein RMD5 homolog BRmnd5bQ91YQ71
Protein RRP5 homolog (Apoptosis-linked gene 4 protein) (Programmed cell death protein 11)Pdcd11 Alg4 Kiaa0185Q6NS461
Protein Rsl1 (Regulator of sex limited protein 1) (Regulator of sex-limitation 1)Rsl1Q7M6Y11
Protein S100-A1 (S-100 protein alpha chain) (S-100 protein subunit alpha) (S100 calcium-binding protein A1)S100a1P565651
Protein S100-A11 (Calgizzarin) (Endothelial monocyte-activating polypeptide) (EMAP) (Protein S100-C) (S100 calcium-binding protein A11)S100a11 S100cP505431
Protein S100-A6 (5B10) (Calcyclin) (Prolactin receptor-associated protein) (S100 calcium-binding protein A6)S100a6 CacyP140691
Protein S100-B (S-100 protein beta chain) (S-100 protein subunit beta) (S100 calcium-binding protein B)S100bP501141
Protein S100a16 (S100 calcium binding protein A16) (S100 calcium binding protein A16, isoform CRA_a) (S100F)S100a16 mCG_22247Q9D7081
Protein SCAF8 (RNA-binding motif protein 16) (SR-related and CTD-associated factor 8)Scaf8 Kiaa1116 Rbm16Q6DID31
Protein Scn1aScn1aA2APX61
Protein Scn2a1Scn2a1B1AWN61
Protein SDA1 homolog (SDA1 domain-containing protein 1)Sdad1Q80UZ21
Protein SDE2 homologSde2Q8K1J51
Protein Serpinb6c (Serpinb6c protein)Serpinb6cQ6P6K71
Protein Serpinb9 (SPI6) (Serine (Or cysteine) peptidase inhibitor, clade B, member 9)Serpinb9 mCG_17886O087971
Protein Setd1aSetd1aE9PYH61
Protein shisa-3 homologShisa3Q3UPR01
Protein Slc13a4 (Solute carrier family 13 (Sodium/sulfate symporters), member 4)Slc13a4 mCG_114579Q8BZ821
Protein Slc22a19 (Solute carrier family 22 (Organic anion transporter), member 19) (Solute carrier family 22 (Organic anion transporter), member 9)Slc22a19 Slc22a9 mCG_14902Q8VCA01
Protein Slc25a1 (Solute carrier family 25 (Mitochondrial carrier, citrate transporter), member 1)Slc25a1 mCG_131850Q8JZU21
Protein Slc8a2 (Sodium-calcium exchanger) (Solute carrier family 8 (Sodium/calcium exchanger), member 2) (Solute carrier family 8 (Sodium/calcium exchanger), member 2, isoform CRA_b)Slc8a2 mCG_2077Q8K5961
Protein Slfn8Slfn8B1ARD81
Protein Slfn9Slfn9B1ARD61
Protein SMG5 (EST1-like protein B) (SMG-5 homolog)Smg5 Est1b Kiaa1089Q6ZPY21
Protein SMG7 (EST1-like protein C) (SMG-7 homolog)Smg7 Est1c Kiaa0250Q5RJH61
Protein SMG9 (Protein smg-9 homolog)Smg9Q9DB901
Protein Snx21Snx21Q3UR971
Protein SOGA1Soga1 9830001H06RikA2ACV61
Protein Spata2 (Spermatogenesis associated 2)Spata2Q8K0041
Protein Spata31d1dSpata31d1dE9Q5W21
Protein Speer4b (Spermatogenesis associated glutamate (E)-rich protein 4b)Speer4bQ9D9F71
Protein spinster homolog 1Spns1Q8R0G71
Protein spire homolog 1Spire1D3YTL81
Protein spire homolog 2 (Spir-2)Spire2 spir-2Q8K1S61
Protein sprouty homolog 1 (Spry-1)Spry1Q9QXV91
Protein sprouty homolog 4 (Spry-4)Spry4Q9WTP21
Protein Ssbp4 (Single stranded DNA binding protein 4, isoform CRA_b)Ssbp4 mCG_23121Q3U4B11
Protein SSXT (Protein SYT) (Synovial sarcoma-associated Ss18-alpha)Ss18 Ssxt SytQ622801
Protein SYS1 homologSys1Q78S061
Protein SZT2 (Seizure threshold 2 protein) (Transcript increased in glutamate resistance) (TIGR)Szt2A2A9C31
Protein Taf4aTaf4aE9QAP71
Protein TANC2 (Tetratricopeptide repeat, ankyrin repeat and coiled-coil domain-containing protein 2)Tanc2 Kiaa1148A2A6901
Protein Tbc1d19 (TBC1 domain family, member 19)Tbc1d19Q8VDV71
Protein Tecpr2Tecpr2Q3UH451
Protein Tex13 (Testis expressed gene 13) (Testis protein TEX13)Tex13 mCG_117156Q99MW51
Protein Tex24 (Testis expressed gene 24) (Testis-specific protein)Tex24Q5DP501
Protein THEMIS2 (Induced by contact to basement membrane 1 protein) (Protein ICB-1) (Thymocyte-expressed molecule involved in selection protein 2)Themis2 Icb1Q91YX01
Protein Tmed7Tmed7D3YZZ51
Protein Tmem116 (Transmembrane protein 116, isoform CRA_b)Tmem116 mCG_129677G3X9011
Protein Tmsb15aTmsb15aQ9D2R91
Protein Traf3ip2 (TRAF3 interacting protein 2) (Traf3 interacting protein 2) (cDNA fis, clone TRACH2006870,moderately similar to Homo sapiens adaptor protein CIKS mRNA)Traf3ip2 mCG_1382Q8N7N61
Protein Trpm3 (Transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily M, member 3)Trpm3B2RUS01
Protein Tsc22d2Tsc22d2E9Q7M21
Protein TSSC1Tssc1Q8K0G51
Protein TSSC4Tssc4 MNCb-3063Q9JHE71
Protein Ttc17Ttc17E9PVB51
Protein Ttc7bTtc7bE9Q6P51
Protein tweety homolog 3 (mTTY3)Ttyh3 Kiaa1691Q6P5F71
Protein Ube2dnl2 (Similar to ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2D 2)Ube2dnl2 4930524E20Rik MGC58426 mCG_148138A2AFH21
Protein Ube4aUbe4aE9Q7351
Protein Ugt1a6bUgt1a6bK9J7B21
Protein unc-13 homolog B (Munc13-2) (munc13)Unc13b Unc13aQ9Z1N91
Protein unc-13 homolog D (Munc13-4)Unc13dB2RUP21
Protein unc-50 homolog (Periodontal ligament-specific protein 22) (PDLs22)Unc50Q9CQ611
Protein unc-93 homolog B1 (Unc-93B1)Unc93b1 Unc93bQ8VCW41
Protein Upf2 (UPF2 regulator of nonsense transcripts homolog (Yeast))Upf2A2AT371
Protein VAC14 homologVac14 D8Wsu151eQ80WQ21
Protein Vezf1Vezf1Q5SXC41
Protein Vmn1r189 (Vomeronasal receptor V1RH2)Vmn1r189 V1rh2Q8K3N31
Protein Wbscr27 (Williams Beuren syndrome chromosome region 27 (Human), isoform CRA_a) (Williams-Beuren syndrome critical region protein 27) (Williams-Beuren syndrome critical region protein 27 isoform alpha) (Williams-Beuren syndrome critical region protein 27 isoform beta)Wbscr27 BC002286 mCG_16715Q8BGM41
Protein Wdr86Wdr86D3Z7571
Protein Wiz (Widely-interspaced zinc finger-containing protein)WizO882861
Protein wntless homolog (Integral membrane protein GPR177) (Protein evenness interrupted homolog) (EVI)Wls Gpr177Q6DID71
Protein WWC2 (WW domain-containing protein 2)Wwc2 D8Ertd594e MNCb-4173Q6NXJ01
Protein Zbtb12 (Zinc finger and BTB domain containing 12)Zbtb12 H2-Bf mCG_147905Q9Z1501
Protein Zbtb21Zbtb21 Zfp295E9Q3R91
Protein Zbtb26 (Zinc finger and BTB domain containing 26) (Zinc finger and BTB domain containing 26, isoform CRA_b)Zbtb26 mCG_126317Q6P9Q31
Protein Zc3h7bZc3h7bF8VPP81
Protein Zfp111 (Zfp111 protein)Zfp111Q99K531
Protein Zfp128 (Zinc finger protein 128) (Zinc finger protein 8)Zfp128 Znf8Q8BGV51
Protein Zfp142Zfp142Q3V1C11
Protein Zfp180 (Zinc finger protein 180)Zfp180Q6NZI91
Protein Zfp236 (Zinc finger protein 236)Zfp236B2RR241
Protein Zfp263Zfp263Q8CF601
Protein Zfp282Zfp282E9PVC21
Protein Zfp386 (Zinc finger protein 386 (Kruppel-like) isoform a)Zfp386Q1WWJ51
Protein Zfp444 (Zinc finger protein 444) (Zinc finger protein 444, isoform CRA_a)Zfp444 mCG_23727Q3TDV81
Protein Zfp54Zfp54E9PW051
Protein Zfp560 (Zinc finger protein 560) (Zinc finger protein 560, isoform CRA_b)Zfp560 mCG_67948Q3URI61
Protein Zfp563Zfp563B8JJZ91
Protein Zfp617 (Zfp617 protein)Zfp617Q91WM01
Protein Zfp651Zfp651E9PZ111
Protein Zfp772Zfp772 BC023179Q3UQL61
Protein Zfp790 (Zfp790 protein)Zfp790Q80ZX21
Protein Zfp868Zfp868 AI449175Q3UTQ61
Protein Zfp940 (cDNA sequence BC027344)Zfp940 BC027344Q8R2Q31
Protein Zfp943 (Uncharacterized protein)Zfp943 4930432O21RikQ6NZP41
Protein Zfp948 (cDNA sequence BC049807)Zfp948 BC049807Q6DFU81
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