EVpedia provide top 100+ EV markers, selected according to their identification number.
Based on EV proteomes, we defined the identification number of protein A as the number of datasets which contain protein A.
Therefore, proteins with higher identification numbers were more conserved.


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Protein name Gene symbol UniProt accession Identification number
Guanine nucleotide-binding protein subunit alpha-14 (G alpha-14) (G-protein subunit alpha-14)GNA14B1ALW31
Guanine nucleotide-binding protein subunit beta-4 (Fragment)GNB4C9JD141
Guanine nucleotide-binding protein subunit beta-4 (Fragment)GNB4H7C5J51
Guanine nucleotide-binding protein subunit beta-5 (Gbeta5) (Transducin beta chain 5)GNB5O147751
Guanine nucleotide-binding protein subunit gammaGNG2G3V2N01
Guanine nucleotide-binding protein subunit gammaDNAJC25-GNG10 hCG_1994888A0A024R1611
Guanine nucleotide-binding protein subunit gamma (Fragment)0Q53GD11
Guanine nucleotide-binding protein-like 1 (Fragment)GNL1A0A140T8Y21
Guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory protein (Fragment)GNAI2Q990611
Guanosine-3',5'-bis(diphosphate) 3'-pyrophosphohydrolase MESH1 (EC (HD domain-containing protein 3) (Metazoan SpoT homolog 1) (MESH1) (Penta-phosphate guanosine-3'-pyrophosphohydrolase) ((ppGpp)ase)HDDC3 MESH1Q8N4P31
Guanosine-3',5'-bis(diphosphate) 3'-pyrophosphohydrolase MESH1 (Fragment)HDDC3H0YKT91
Guanylate cyclase 1, soluble, beta 3, isoform CRA_c (Guanylate cyclase soluble subunit beta-1) (cDNA FLJ50853, highly similar to Guanylate cyclase soluble subunit beta-1 (EC hCG_28052B7Z6851
Guanylate cyclase soluble subunit alpha-2 (GCS-alpha-2) (EC GUC1A2 GUCSA2P334021
Guanylate cyclase soluble subunit beta-1GUCY1B3E9PCN21
Guanylate cyclase soluble subunit beta-1GUCY1B3D6RC991
Guanylate kinaseGUK1B1ANG91
Guanylate-binding protein 3 (EC 3.6.5.-) (GTP-binding protein 3) (GBP-3) (Guanine nucleotide-binding protein 3)GBP3Q9H0R51
Guanylate-binding protein 7 (GTP-binding protein 7) (GBP-7) (Guanine nucleotide-binding protein 7) (Guanylate-binding protein 4-like)GBP7 GBP4LQ8N8V21
Gypsy retrotransposon integrase-like protein 1 (GIN-1) (Ty3/Gypsy integrase 1) (Zinc finger H2C2 domain-containing protein)GIN1 TGIN1 ZH2C2Q9NXP71
Hairy/enhancer-of-split related with YRPW motif protein 1 (Cardiovascular helix-loop-helix factor 2) (CHF-2) (Class B basic helix-loop-helix protein 31) (bHLHb31) (HES-related repressor protein 1) (Hairy and enhancer of split-related protein 1) (HESR-1) (Hairy-related transcription factor 1) (HRT-1) (hHRT1)HEY1 BHLHB31 CHF2 HERP2 HESR1 HRT1Q9Y5J31
Haptoglobin (Fragment)HPQ145521
Haptoglobin-related proteinHPRA0A0A0MRD91
HAUS augmin-like complex subunit 2HAUS2H3BP161
HAUS augmin-like complex subunit 2HAUS2H3BP241
HAUS augmin-like complex subunit 2 (Fragment)HAUS2H3BQU21
HAUS augmin-like complex subunit 4 (Fragment)HAUS4H0YJ091
HBS1-like (S. cerevisiae)HBS1LD9YZV01
HBS1-like protein (Fragment)HBS1LH0YDX71
HCG1745369 (PRO3073)hCG_1745369Q9P1361
HCG1773630 (cDNA, FLJ92308, Homo sapiens adipose specific 2 (APM2), mRNA)hCG_1773630Q5TBU51
HCG1781466 (cDNA FLJ20147 fis, clone COL07954)hCG_1781466Q9NXN11
HCG19535 (Hypothetical gene supported by AK027125) (UBAP1-MVB12-associated (UMA)-domain-containing protein 1) (cDNA FLJ54628)LOC401307 UMAD1 hCG_19535 tcag7.903A4D1041
HCG1983504, isoform CRA_c (Tubulin beta-3 chain)TUBB3 hCG_1983504G3V3R41
HCG1983504, isoform CRA_d (Tubulin beta-3 chain)TUBB3 hCG_1983504G3V2N61
HCG1985372 (cDNA FLJ37541 fis, clone BRCAN2026340)hCG_1985372Q8N1U91
HCG2002387 (Fragment)hCG_2002387Q8WW421
HCG2002594, isoform CRA_c (Septin-5)SEPT5 hCG_2002594G3XAH01
HCG2002650, isoform CRA_ehCG_2002650D3DXG41
HCG2005638, isoform CRA_c (cDNA FLJ53073, highly similar to Spliceosome RNA helicase Bat1 (EC 3.6.1.-))hCG_2005638B4DP521
HCG2008157 (cDNA FLJ30403 fis, clone BRACE2008480)hCG_2008157Q96NP51
HCG2010808, isoform CRA_a (MSTP065) (cDNA, FLJ92357, Homo sapiens translocase of outer mitochondrial membrane 22 homolog(yeast) (TOMM22), mRNA)MST065 hCG_2010808Q549C51
HCG2020031 (Tumor rejection antigen)hCG_2020031Q8WYR61
HCG2036511 (cDNA: FLJ21673 fis, clone COL09042)hCG_2036511Q9H6Y81
HCG2040265, isoform CRA_a (cDNA FLJ50015)LOC730098 hCG_2040265B7Z3J91
HCG2042068, isoform CRA_dhCG_2042068D3DTV81
HCG2043033, isoform CRA_b (Ly-6/neurotoxin-like protein 1)LYNX1 hCG_2043033G3V0Z91
HCG2043249DKFZp686I0230 hCG_2043249Q7Z3F81
HCG2044836, isoform CRA_ahCG_2044836H0UI951
HCG26676 (Zinc finger protein 836)ZNF836 hCG_26676M0R1N41
HCG401289, isoform CRA_b (Pyridoxal kinase)PDXK hCG_401289A8MV331
HCG41426, isoform CRA_c (Transforming acidic coiled-coil-containing protein 2)TACC2 hCG_41426Q4VXL41
HCLS1-binding protein 3HS1BP3B5MC961
HCLS1-binding protein 3 (Fragment)HS1BP3H7BZZ11
Heart- and neural crest derivatives-expressed protein 2 (Class A basic helix-loop-helix protein 26) (bHLHa26) (Deciduum, heart, autonomic nervous system and neural crest derivatives-expressed protein 2) (dHAND)HAND2 BHLHA26 DHANDP612961
HEAT repeat containing 1HEATR1B2RWN51
HEAT repeat-containing protein 5A (Fragment)HEATR5AH0YHE01
HEAT repeat-containing protein 5A (Fragment)HEATR5AH0YIW31
Heat shock 70 kDa protein 12BHSPA12BQ5JX831
Heat shock 70 kDa protein 4HSPA4A0A087WTS81
Heat shock 70 kDa protein 4LHSPA4LE9PDE81
Heat shock 70 kDa protein 4L (Fragment)HSPA4LD6RJ961
Heat shock factor protein 4 (Fragment)HSF4H0YAR71
Heat shock factor-binding protein 1-like protein 1HSBP1L1C9JCN91
Heat shock protein 105 kDaHSPH1A0A0A0MSM01
Heat shock protein 105 kDaHSPH1R4GN691
Heat shock protein 105 kDa (Antigen NY-CO-25) (Heat shock 110 kDa protein)HSPH1 HSP105 HSP110 KIAA0201B4DYH11
Heat shock protein 75 kDa, mitochondrial (HSP 75) (TNFR-associated protein 1) (Tumor necrosis factor type 1 receptor-associated protein) (TRAP-1)TRAP1 HSP75B4DR681
Heat shock protein 90BfHSP90BfQ58FF41
Heat shock protein beta-6 (Fragment)HSPB6A0A1X7SC651
Heat shock protein beta-7 (HspB7) (Cardiovascular heat shock protein) (cvHsp)HSPB7 CVHSPQ9UBY91
Heat shock transcription factor, Y-linked (Heat shock transcription factor 2-like protein) (HSF2-like)HSFY1 HSF2L HSFY; HSFY2 HSF2L HSFYQ96LI61
Heavy chain variable region (Fragment)0A2NXP81
Helicase ARIP4 (Fragment)RAD54L2H0Y7601
Helicase POLQ-like (EC (Mus308-like helicase) (POLQ-like helicase)HELQ HEL308Q8TDG41
Hematological and neurological-expressed 1 proteinHN1J3KT511
Hematological and neurological-expressed 1-like protein (Fragment)HN1LH3BMV31
Hematological and neurological-expressed 1-like protein (Fragment)HN1LH3BU161
Hematopoietically-expressed homeobox protein HHEX (Homeobox protein HEX) (Homeobox protein PRH)HHEX HEX PRH PRHXQ030141
Heme oxygenase 1 (Fragment)HMOX1B1AHA81
Heme oxygenase 2 (Fragment)HMOX2I3L1591
Heme transporter HRG1 (Heme-responsive gene 1 protein homolog) (HRG-1) (hHRG-1) (Solute carrier family 48 member 1)SLC48A1 HRG1Q6P1K11
Heme-binding protein 1 (Fragment)HEBP1H0YG711
Heme-binding protein 1 (p22HBP)HEBP1 HBPQ9Y5Z51
Hemoglobin alpha 1 globin chain (Fragment)HBA1Q9BX831
Hemoglobin subunit delta (Fragment)HBDC9JRG01
Hemoglobin subunit theta-1 (Hemoglobin theta-1 chain) (Theta-1-globin)HBQ1P091051
Hemoglobin zeta subunitHBZQ1W6G91
Heparan sulfate glucosamine 3-O-sulfotransferase 1 (Fragment)HS3ST1E9PDE31
Heparan sulfate glucosamine 3-O-sulfotransferase 3A1 (EC (Heparan sulfate D-glucosaminyl 3-O-sulfotransferase 3A1) (3-OST-3A) (Heparan sulfate 3-O-sulfotransferase 3A1) (h3-OST-3A)HS3ST3A1 3OST3A1 HS3ST3A UNQ2551/PRO6180Q9Y6631
Heparan sulfate proteoglycan 2 (Perlecan), isoform CRA_bHSPG2 hCG_1981506A0A024RAB61
Heparanase (EC (Endo-glucoronidase) (Heparanase-1) (Hpa1) [Cleaved into: Heparanase 8 kDa subunit; Heparanase 50 kDa subunit]HPSE HEP HPA HPA1 HPR1 HPSE1 HSE1C7F7I41
Hepatocyte growth factor-like protein (Fragment)MST1H7C0F81
Hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate (Fragment)HGSI3L1E31
Hepatocyte growth factor-regulated tyrosine kinase substrate (Fragment)HGSI3L2H41
Hepatocyte nuclear factor 1-beta (HNF-1-beta) (HNF-1B) (Homeoprotein LFB3) (Transcription factor 2) (TCF-2) (Variant hepatic nuclear factor 1) (vHNF1)HNF1B TCF2P356801
Hepatocyte nuclear factor 4-alpha (HNF-4-alpha) (Nuclear receptor subfamily 2 group A member 1) (Transcription factor 14) (TCF-14) (Transcription factor HNF-4)HNF4A HNF4 NR2A1 TCF14P412351
Hepatoma-derived growth factor (HDGF) (High mobility group protein 1-like 2) (HMG-1L2)HDGF HMG1L2Q5SZ071
Hepatoma-derived growth factor-related protein 2HDGFRP2M0R0J31
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