EVpedia provide top 100+ EV markers, selected according to their identification number.
Based on EV proteomes, we defined the identification number of protein A as the number of datasets which contain protein A.
Therefore, proteins with higher identification numbers were more conserved.


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Protein name Gene symbol UniProt accession Identification number
EF-hand domain-containing protein D1 (EF-hand domain-containing protein 1) (Swiprosin-2)EFHD1 SWS2 PP3051Q9BUP018
EKC/KEOPS complex subunit LAGE3 (L antigen family member 3) (Protein ESO-3) (Protein ITBA2)LAGE3 DXS9879E ESO3 ITBA2Q1465718
EKC/KEOPS complex subunit TPRKB (PRPK-binding protein) (TP53RK-binding protein)TPRKB CGI-121 My019Q9Y3C418
Endoplasmic reticulum metallopeptidase 1 (EC 3.4.-.-) (Felix-ina)ERMP1 FXNA KIAA1815Q7Z2K618
Endothelial lipase (EC (Endothelial cell-derived lipase) (EDL) (EL)LIPG UNQ387/PRO719Q9Y5X918
ER membrane protein complex subunit 8 (Neighbor of COX4) (Protein FAM158B)EMC8 C16orf2 C16orf4 COX4AL COX4NB FAM158B NOC4O4340218
Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit L (eIF3l) (Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit 6-interacting protein) (Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit E-interacting protein)EIF3L EIF3EIP EIF3S6IPB0QY8918
Exosome complex component RRP42 (Exosome component 7) (Ribosomal RNA-processing protein 42) (p8)EXOSC7 KIAA0116 RRP42Q1502418
FAS-associated death domain protein (FAS-associating death domain-containing protein) (Growth-inhibiting gene 3 protein) (Mediator of receptor induced toxicity) (Protein FADD)FADD MORT1 GIG3Q1315818
FERM domain-containing protein 8FRMD8 FKSG44Q9BZ6718
Frizzled-7 (Fz-7) (hFz7) (FzE3)FZD7O7508418
G protein-regulated inducer of neurite outgrowth 1 (GRIN1)GPRIN1 KIAA1893Q7Z2K818
General transcription factor 3C polypeptide 4 (EC (TF3C-delta) (Transcription factor IIIC 90 kDa subunit) (TFIIIC 90 kDa subunit) (TFIIIC90) (Transcription factor IIIC subunit delta)GTF3C4Q9UKN818
General transcription factor 3C polypeptide 5 (TF3C-epsilon) (Transcription factor IIIC 63 kDa subunit) (TFIIIC 63 kDa subunit) (TFIIIC63) (Transcription factor IIIC subunit epsilon)GTF3C5 CDABP0017Q9Y5Q818
Glutathione S-transferase Mu 4 (EC (GST class-mu 4) (GST-Mu2) (GSTM4-4)GSTM4Q0301318
Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (EC
GMP reductase 2 (GMPR 2) (EC (Guanosine 5'-monophosphate oxidoreductase 2) (Guanosine monophosphate reductase 2)GMPR2Q9P2T118
Growth-regulated alpha protein (C-X-C motif chemokine 1) (GRO-alpha(1-73)) (Melanoma growth stimulatory activity) (MGSA) (Neutrophil-activating protein 3) (NAP-3) [Cleaved into: GRO-alpha(4-73); GRO-alpha(5-73); GRO-alpha(6-73)]CXCL1 GRO GRO1 GROA MGSA SCYB1P0934118
Hemoglobin subunit zeta (HBAZ) (Hemoglobin zeta chain) (Zeta-globin)HBZ HBZ2P0200818
High affinity cAMP-specific and IBMX-insensitive 3',5'-cyclic phosphodiesterase 8A (EC
HLA class I histocompatibility antigen, B-45 alpha chain (Bw-45) (MHC class I antigen B*45)HLA-B HLABP3048318
HLA class II histocompatibility antigen, DR beta 3 chain (MHC class II antigen DRB3)HLA-DRB3P7948318
Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 3 (IP3 receptor isoform 3) (IP3R 3) (InsP3R3) (Type 3 inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor) (Type 3 InsP3 receptor)ITPR3Q1457318
Keratin, type I cuticular Ha2 (Hair keratin, type I Ha2) (Keratin-32) (K32)KRT32 HHA2 HKA2 KRTHA2Q1453218
Keratin, type I cuticular Ha5 (Hair keratin, type I Ha5) (Keratin-35) (K35)KRT35 HHA5 HKA5 KRTHA5Q9276418
Kinesin heavy chain isoform 5A (Kinesin heavy chain neuron-specific 1) (Neuronal kinesin heavy chain) (NKHC)KIF5A NKHC1Q1284018
Kinesin-like protein KIF3B (HH0048) (Microtubule plus end-directed kinesin motor 3B) [Cleaved into: Kinesin-like protein KIF3B, N-terminally processed]KIF3B KIAA0359O1506618
Leukocyte antigen CD37 (Tetraspanin-26) (Tspan-26) (CD antigen CD37)CD37 TSPAN26P1104918
Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 10 (LRP-10)LRP10 MSTP087 SP220 UNQ389/PRO724Q7Z4F118
MAP7 domain-containing protein 1 (Arginine/proline-rich coiled-coil domain-containing protein 1) (Proline/arginine-rich coiled-coil domain-containing protein 1)MAP7D1 KIAA1187 PARCC1 RPRC1 PP2464Q3KQU318
Mas-related G-protein coupled receptor member F (Mas-related gene F protein) (G-protein coupled receptor 140) (G-protein coupled receptor 168)MRGPRF GPR140 GPR168 MRGF PSEC0142Q96AM118
Methionine aminopeptidase 1 (MAP 1) (MetAP 1) (EC (Peptidase M 1)METAP1 KIAA0094P5358218
Methyltransferase-like 26METTL26 JFP2 C16orf13Q96S1918
Mothers against decapentaplegic homolog 5 (MAD homolog 5) (Mothers against DPP homolog 5) (JV5-1) (SMAD family member 5) (SMAD 5) (Smad5) (hSmad5)SMAD5 MADH5Q9971718
Myosin light chain 1/3, skeletal muscle isoform (MLC1/MLC3) (MLC1F/MLC3F) (Myosin light chain alkali 1/2) (Myosin light chain A1/A2)MYL1P0597618
N(4)-(beta-N-acetylglucosaminyl)-L-asparaginase (EC (Aspartylglucosaminidase) (Glycosylasparaginase) (N4-(N-acetyl-beta-glucosaminyl)-L-asparagine amidase) [Cleaved into: Glycosylasparaginase alpha chain; Glycosylasparaginase beta chain]AGAP2093318
N-acetylglucosamine-6-phosphate deacetylase (GlcNAc 6-P deacetylase) (EC (Amidohydrolase domain-containing protein 2)AMDHD2 CGI-14Q9Y30318
Nuclear pore complex protein Nup88 (88 kDa nucleoporin) (Nucleoporin Nup88)NUP88Q9956718
Nuclear pore glycoprotein p62 (62 kDa nucleoporin) (Nucleoporin Nup62)NUP62P3719818
Nucleolar protein 16 (HBV pre-S2 trans-regulated protein 3)NOP16 CGI-117 HSPC111Q9Y3C118
Olfactomedin-like protein 2A (Photomedin-1)OLFML2A UNQ9394/PRO34319Q68BL718
Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase E (PPIase E) (EC (Cyclophilin E) (Cyclophilin-33) (Rotamase E)PPIE CYP33Q9UNP918
Phospholipase B-like 1 (EC 3.1.1.-) (LAMA-like protein 1) (Lamina ancestor homolog 1) (Phospholipase B domain-containing protein 1) [Cleaved into: Phospholipase B-like 1 chain A; Phospholipase B-like 1 chain B; Phospholipase B-like 1 chain C]PLBD1Q6P4A818
Phospholipid-transporting ATPase IA (EC (ATPase class I type 8A member 1) (Chromaffin granule ATPase II) (P4-ATPase flippase complex alpha subunit ATP8A1)ATP8A1 ATPIAQ9Y2Q018
Platelet glycoprotein IX (GP-IX) (GPIX) (Glycoprotein 9) (CD antigen CD42a)GP9P1477018
Platelet-activating factor acetylhydrolase (PAF acetylhydrolase) (EC (1-alkyl-2-acetylglycerophosphocholine esterase) (2-acetyl-1-alkylglycerophosphocholine esterase) (Group-VIIA phospholipase A2) (gVIIA-PLA2) (LDL-associated phospholipase A2) (LDL-PLA(2)) (PAF 2-acylhydrolase)PLA2G7 PAFAHQ1309318
Platelet-derived growth factor D (PDGF-D) (Iris-expressed growth factor) (Spinal cord-derived growth factor B) (SCDGF-B) [Cleaved into: Platelet-derived growth factor D, latent form (PDGFD latent form); Platelet-derived growth factor D, receptor-binding form (PDGFD receptor-binding form)]PDGFD IEGF SCDGFB MSTP036 UNQ1899/PRO4345Q9GZP018
Podocalyxin-like protein 2 (Endoglycan)PODXL2 UNQ1861/PRO3742Q9NZ5318
Poly [ADP-ribose] polymerase 9 (PARP-9) (EC (ADP-ribosyltransferase diphtheria toxin-like 9) (ARTD9) (B aggressive lymphoma protein)PARP9 BAL BAL1Q8IXQ618
Poly(A) polymerase alpha (PAP-alpha) (EC (Polynucleotide adenylyltransferase alpha)PAPOLA PAPP5100318
Polyadenylate-binding protein 3 (PABP-3) (Poly(A)-binding protein 3) (Testis-specific poly(A)-binding protein)PABPC3 PABP3 PABPL3Q9H36118
Probable dimethyladenosine transferase (EC (DIM1 dimethyladenosine transferase 1 homolog) (DIM1 dimethyladenosine transferase 1-like) (Probable 18S rRNA (adenine(1779)-N(6)/adenine(1780)-N(6))-dimethyltransferase) (Probable 18S rRNA dimethylase) (Probable S-adenosylmethionine-6-N',N'-adenosyl(rRNA) dimethyltransferase)DIMT1 DIMT1L HUSSY-05Q9UNQ218
Probable phospholipid-transporting ATPase IF (EC (ATPase IR) (ATPase class VI type 11B) (P4-ATPase flippase complex alpha subunit ATP11B)ATP11B ATPIF ATPIR KIAA0956Q9Y2G318
Protein ABHD11 (EC 3.-.-.-) (Alpha/beta hydrolase domain-containing protein 11) (Abhydrolase domain-containing protein 11) (Williams-Beuren syndrome chromosomal region 21 protein)ABHD11 WBSCR21 PP1226Q8NFV418
Protein ABHD17B (EC 3.-.-.-) (Alpha/beta hydrolase domain-containing protein 17B) (Abhydrolase domain-containing protein 17B)ABHD17B C9orf77 FAM108B1 CGI-67Q5VST618
Protein CREG1 (Cellular repressor of E1A-stimulated genes 1)CREG1 CREG UNQ727/PRO1409O7562918
Protein FAM134CFAM134CQ86VR218
Protein FAM171A1 (Astroprincin)FAM171A1 C10orf38Q5VUB518
Protein PRRC2C (BAT2 domain-containing protein 1) (HBV X-transactivated gene 2 protein) (HBV XAg-transactivated protein 2) (HLA-B-associated transcript 2-like 2) (Proline-rich and coiled-coil-containing protein 2C)PRRC2C BAT2D1 BAT2L2 KIAA1096 XTP2Q9Y52018
Protein wntless homolog (Integral membrane protein GPR177) (Protein evenness interrupted homolog) (EVI) (Putative NF-kappa-B-activating protein 373)WLS C1orf139 GPR177 UNQ85/PRO18667Q5T9L318
Proto-oncogene vavVAV1 VAVP1549818
Protocadherin-16 (Cadherin-19) (Cadherin-25) (Fibroblast cadherin-1) (Protein dachsous homolog 1)DCHS1 CDH19 CDH25 FIB1 KIAA1773 PCDH16Q96JQ018
Putative hexokinase HKDC1 (EC (Hexokinase domain-containing protein 1)HKDC1Q2TB9018
Putative histone H2B type 2-DHIST2H2BDQ6DRA618
Putative lipocalin 1-like protein 1 (Lipocalin 1-like pseudogene 1)LCN1P1 LCN1L1Q5VSP418
Putative RNA-binding protein Luc7-like 1 (Putative SR protein LUC7B1) (SR+89)LUC7L LUC7L1Q9NQ2918
Ras-related protein Rab-37RAB37Q96AX218
Regulator of nonsense transcripts 2 (Nonsense mRNA reducing factor 2) (Up-frameshift suppressor 2 homolog) (hUpf2)UPF2 KIAA1408 RENT2Q9HAU518
Reticulon-4 receptor-like 2 (Nogo receptor-like 3) (Nogo-66 receptor homolog 1) (Nogo-66 receptor-related protein 2) (NgR2)RTN4RL2 NGRH1 NGRL3Q86UN318
Retinoic acid receptor responder protein 1 (Phorbol ester-induced gene 1 protein) (PERG-1) (RAR-responsive protein TIG1) (Tazarotene-induced gene 1 protein)RARRES1 PEIG1 TIG1P4978818
Reversion-inducing cysteine-rich protein with Kazal motifs (hRECK) (Suppressor of tumorigenicity 15 protein)RECK ST15O9598018
Rho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 12 (Leukemia-associated RhoGEF)ARHGEF12 KIAA0382 LARGQ9NZN518
Ribonuclease P protein subunit p20 (RNaseP protein p20) (EC (Ribonucleases P/MRP protein subunit POP7 homolog) (hPOP7)POP7 RPP20O7581718
Sedoheptulokinase (SHK) (EC (Carbohydrate kinase-like protein)SHPK CARKLQ9UHJ618
Serine/threonine-protein kinase VRK1 (EC (Vaccinia-related kinase 1)VRK1Q9998618
Signal recognition particle receptor subunit alpha (SR-alpha) (Docking protein alpha) (DP-alpha)SRPRA SRPRP0824018
Sodium-dependent neutral amino acid transporter B(0)AT1 (Solute carrier family 6 member 19) (System B(0) neutral amino acid transporter AT1)SLC6A19 B0AT1Q695T718
Solute carrier family 22 member 5 (High-affinity sodium-dependent carnitine cotransporter) (Organic cation/carnitine transporter 2)SLC22A5 OCTN2O7608218
Solute carrier family 22 member 8 (Organic anion transporter 3) (hOAT3)SLC22A8 OAT3Q8TCC718
Solute carrier family 35 member E1SLC35E1 PSEC0038Q96K3718
SPARC-like protein 1 (High endothelial venule protein) (Hevin) (MAST 9)SPARCL1Q1451518
SPATS2-like protein (DNA polymerase-transactivated protein 6) (Stress granule and nucleolar protein) (SGNP)SPATS2L DNAPTP6 SP1224Q9NUQ618
Splicing regulatory glutamine/lysine-rich protein 1 (Serine/arginine-rich-splicing regulatory protein 86) (SRrp86) (Splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 12) (Splicing regulatory protein 508) (SRrp508)SREK1 SFRS12 SRRP86Q8WXA918
Stromal cell-derived factor 1 (SDF-1) (hSDF-1) (C-X-C motif chemokine 12) (Intercrine reduced in hepatomas) (IRH) (hIRH) (Pre-B cell growth-stimulating factor) (PBSF) [Cleaved into: SDF-1-beta(3-72); SDF-1-alpha(3-67)]CXCL12 SDF1 SDF1A SDF1BP4806118
Synaptotagmin-like protein 1 (Exophilin-7) (Protein JFC1)SYTL1 SLP1 SB146Q8IYJ318
Synaptotagmin-like protein 4 (Exophilin-2) (Granuphilin)SYTL4Q96C2418
T-complex protein 1 subunit zeta-2 (TCP-1-zeta-2) (CCT-zeta-2) (CCT-zeta-like) (TCP-1-zeta-like) (Testis-specific Tcp20) (Testis-specific protein TSA303)CCT6BQ9252618
Thioredoxin-related transmembrane protein 2 (Cell proliferation-inducing gene 26 protein) (Thioredoxin domain-containing protein 14)TMX2 TXNDC14 CGI-31 My009 PIG26 PSEC0045 UNQ237/PRO270Q9Y32018
TNFAIP3-interacting protein 1 (A20-binding inhibitor of NF-kappa-B activation 1) (ABIN-1) (HIV-1 Nef-interacting protein) (Nef-associated factor 1) (Naf1) (Nip40-1) (Virion-associated nuclear shuttling protein) (VAN) (hVAN)TNIP1 KIAA0113 NAF1Q1502518
Transcobalamin-2 (TC-2) (Transcobalamin II) (TC II) (TCII)TCN2 TC2P2006218
Transcriptional repressor p66-alpha (Hp66alpha) (GATA zinc finger domain-containing protein 2A)GATAD2AQ86YP418
Transforming acidic coiled-coil-containing protein 2 (Anti-Zuai-1) (AZU-1)TACC2O9535918
Transmembrane channel-like protein 4TMC4Q7Z40418
Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 10A (Death receptor 4) (TNF-related apoptosis-inducing ligand receptor 1) (TRAIL receptor 1) (TRAIL-R1) (CD antigen CD261)TNFRSF10A APO2 DR4 TRAILR1O0022018
Tumor rejection antigen (Gp96) 1 variant (Fragment)0Q59FC618
U4/U6 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein Prp3 (Pre-mRNA-splicing factor 3) (hPrp3) (U4/U6 snRNP 90 kDa protein)PRPF3 HPRP3 PRP3O4339518
Uncharacterized protein C1orf50C1orf50Q9BV1918
Unhealthy ribosome biogenesis protein 2 homologURB2 KIAA0133Q1414618
Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 41 homolog (S53)VPS41P4975418
Very low-density lipoprotein receptor (VLDL receptor) (VLDL-R)VLDLRP9815518
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