EVpedia provide top 100+ EV markers, selected according to their identification number.
Based on EV proteomes, we defined the identification number of protein A as the number of datasets which contain protein A.
Therefore, proteins with higher identification numbers were more conserved.


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Protein name Gene symbol UniProt accession Identification number
Myosin-1 (Myosin heavy chain 1) (Myosin heavy chain 2x) (MyHC-2x) (Myosin heavy chain IIx/d) (MyHC-IIx/d) (Myosin heavy chain, skeletal muscle, adult 1)MYH1P1288215
Myotubularin-related protein 12 (Phosphatidylinositol 3 phosphate 3-phosphatase adapter subunit) (3-PAP) (3-phosphatase adapter protein)MTMR12 KIAA1682 PIP3APQ9C0I115
Neuronal growth regulator 1 (IgLON family member 4)NEGR1 IGLON4 UNQ2433/PRO4993Q7Z3B115
Neutrophil cytosol factor 2 (NCF-2) (67 kDa neutrophil oxidase factor) (NADPH oxidase activator 2) (Neutrophil NADPH oxidase factor 2) (p67-phox)NCF2 NOXA2 P67PHOXP1987815
NmrA-like family domain-containing protein 1NMRAL1 HSCARGQ9HBL815
Parkinson disease 7 domain-containing protein 1PDDC1Q8NB3715
Phospholipase A2, membrane associated (EC (GIIC sPLA2) (Group IIA phospholipase A2) (Non-pancreatic secretory phospholipase A2) (NPS-PLA2) (Phosphatidylcholine 2-acylhydrolase 2A)PLA2G2A PLA2B PLA2L RASF-AP1455515
Pleckstrin homology domain-containing family F member 2 (PH domain-containing family F member 2) (Endoplasmic reticulum-associated apoptosis-involved protein containing PH and FYVE domains) (EAPF) (PH and FYVE domain-containing protein 2) (Phafin-2) (Phafin2) (Zinc finger FYVE domain-containing protein 18)PLEKHF2 ZFYVE18Q9H8W415
Polyubiquitin-C (Fragment)UBCF5GZ3915
Pre-mRNA-splicing factor ATP-dependent RNA helicase PRP16 (EC (ATP-dependent RNA helicase DHX38) (DEAH box protein 38)DHX38 DDX38 KIAA0224 PRP16Q9262015
Prenylcysteine oxidase-like (EC 1.8.3.-)PCYOX1L PSEC0105Q8NBM815
Proline-serine-threonine phosphatase-interacting protein 2 (PEST phosphatase-interacting protein 2)PSTPIP2Q9H93915
Protein FAM107BFAM107B C10orf45Q9H09815
Protein LSM14 homolog A (Protein FAM61A) (Protein SCD6 homolog) (Putative alpha-synuclein-binding protein) (AlphaSNBP) (RNA-associated protein 55A) (hRAP55) (hRAP55A)LSM14A C19orf13 FAM61A RAP55 RAP55AQ8ND5615
Protein LSM14 homolog B (Protein FAM61B) (RNA-associated protein 55B) (hRAP55B)LSM14B C20orf40 FAM61B RAP55BQ9BX4015
Protein Mpv17MPV17P3921015
Protein Njmu-R1C17orf75Q9HAS015
Protein OS-9 (Amplified in osteosarcoma 9)OS9Q1343815
Protein pelota homolog (EC 3.1.-.-)PELO CGI-17Q9BRX215
Protein shisa-2 homolog (Transmembrane protein 46)SHISA2 C13orf13 TMEM46 UNQ9166/PRO28631Q6UWI415
Protein sprouty homolog 2 (Spry-2)SPRY2O4359715
Protein THEMIS (Thymocyte-expressed molecule involved in selection)THEMIS C6orf190 C6orf207Q8N1K515
Ras-related protein Rab-24RAB24Q969Q515
Ras-related protein Rab-39BRAB39BQ96DA215
Ras-related protein Rab-7aRAB7AC9J4S415
Ras-related protein Rab-7a (Fragment)RAB7AC9IZZ015
Regulator of G-protein signaling 10 (RGS10)RGS10O4366515
RNA 3'-terminal phosphate cyclase-like proteinRCL1 RNAC RPC2 RPCL1 RTC2 HSPC338Q9Y2P815
Semaphorin-3F (Sema III/F) (Semaphorin IV) (Sema IV)SEMA3FQ1327515
Semaphorin-4CSEMA4C KIAA1739 SEMAI UNQ5855/PRO34487Q9C0C415
Serine/threonine-protein kinase 38-like (EC (NDR2 protein kinase) (Nuclear Dbf2-related kinase 2)STK38L KIAA0965 NDR2Q9Y2H115
Similar to Elongation factor 2b (Fragment)0Q8TA9015
Sodium- and chloride-dependent glycine transporter 1 (GlyT-1) (GlyT1) (Solute carrier family 6 member 9)SLC6A9P4806715
Sodium/calcium exchanger 1 (Na(+)/Ca(2+)-exchange protein 1) (Solute carrier family 8 member 1)SLC8A1 CNC NCX1P3241815
Solute carrier family 13 member 3 (Na(+)/dicarboxylate cotransporter 3) (NaDC-3) (hNaDC3) (Sodium-dependent high-affinity dicarboxylate transporter 2)SLC13A3 NADC3 SDCT2Q8WWT915
Solute carrier family 22 member 2 (Organic cation transporter 2) (hOCT2)SLC22A2 OCT2O1524415
Spectrin beta chain, non-erythrocytic 5 (Beta-V spectrin)SPTBN5 BSPECV HUBSPECV HUSPECVQ9NRC615
STE20-related kinase adapter protein beta (STRAD beta) (Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis 2 chromosomal region candidate gene 2 protein) (CALS-21) (ILP-interacting protein) (Pseudokinase ALS2CR2)STRADB ALS2CR2 ILPIP PRO1038Q9C0K715
Stonin-2 (Stoned B)STON2 STN2 STNBQ8WXE915
Syntaxin-1A (Neuron-specific antigen HPC-1)STX1A STX1Q1662315
Tandem C2 domains nuclear protein (Membrane targeting tandem C2 domain-containing protein 1) (Tandem C2 protein in nucleus) (Tac2-N)TC2N C14orf47 MTAC2D1Q8N9U015
Tetraspanin-33 (Tspan-33) (Penumbra) (hPen) (Proerythroblast new membrane)TSPAN33 PENQ86UF115
TGF-beta receptor type-2 (TGFR-2) (EC (TGF-beta type II receptor) (Transforming growth factor-beta receptor type II) (TGF-beta receptor type II) (TbetaR-II)TGFBR2P3717315
Thrombomodulin (TM) (Fetomodulin) (CD antigen CD141)THBD THRMP0720415
Trans-3-hydroxy-L-proline dehydratase (EC (Trans-L-3-hydroxyproline dehydratase)L3HYPDH C14orf149Q96EM015
Transcriptional repressor p66-beta (GATA zinc finger domain-containing protein 2B) (p66/p68)GATAD2B KIAA1150Q8WXI915
Transducin beta-like protein 2 (WS beta-transducin repeats protein) (WS-betaTRP) (Williams-Beuren syndrome chromosomal region 13 protein)TBL2 WBSCR13 UNQ563/PRO1125Q9Y4P315
Transducin beta-like protein 3 (WD repeat-containing protein SAZD)TBL3 SAZDQ1278815
Transmembrane protein 50B (HCV p7-trans-regulated protein 3)TMEM50B C21orf4 UNQ167/PRO193P5655715
Tropomodulin-1 (Erythrocyte tropomodulin) (E-Tmod)TMOD1 D9S57E TMODP2828915
Tubulin alpha chainTUBA1CF5H5D315
Type 2 lactosamine alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase (EC 2.4.99.-) (CMP-NeuAc:beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase VI) (ST3Gal VI) (ST3GalVI) (Sialyltransferase 10)ST3GAL6 SIAT10Q9Y27415
Ubiquitin-60S ribosomal protein L40 (Fragment)UBA52M0R1M615
Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 D1 (EC ((E3-independent) E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme D1) (EC (E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme D1) (Stimulator of Fe transport) (SFT) (UBC4/5 homolog) (UbcH5) (Ubiquitin carrier protein D1) (Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2(17)KB 1) (Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2-17 kDa 1) (Ubiquitin-protein ligase D1)UBE2D1 SFT UBC5A UBCH5 UBCH5AP5166815
Uncharacterized protein C1orf198C1orf198Q9H42515
Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 13A (Chorea-acanthocytosis protein) (Chorein)VPS13A CHAC KIAA0986Q96RL715
Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 33B (hVPS33B)VPS33BQ9H26715
Vacuolar protein sorting-associated protein 37A (hVps37A) (ESCRT-I complex subunit VPS37A) (Hepatocellular carcinoma-related protein 1)VPS37A HCRP1Q8NEZ215
Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 3 (VEGFR-3) (EC (Fms-like tyrosine kinase 4) (FLT-4) (Tyrosine-protein kinase receptor FLT4)FLT4 VEGFR3P3591615
WD repeat-containing protein 43 (U3 small nucleolar RNA-associated protein 5 homolog)WDR43 KIAA0007 UTP5Q1506115
WD repeat-containing protein 7 (Rabconnectin-3 beta) (TGF-beta resistance-associated protein TRAG)WDR7 KIAA0541 TRAGQ9Y4E615
WW domain-binding protein 11 (WBP-11) (Npw38-binding protein) (NpwBP) (SH3 domain-binding protein SNP70) (Splicing factor that interacts with PQBP-1 and PP1)WBP11 NPWBP SIPP1 SNP70Q9Y2W215
14-3-3 protein zeta/delta (Fragment)YWHAZE7EX2914
2'-5'-oligoadenylate synthase 1 ((2-5')oligo(A) synthase 1) (2-5A synthase 1) (EC (E18/E16) (p46/p42 OAS)OAS1 OIASP0097314
28S ribosomal protein S14, mitochondrial (MRP-S14) (S14mt) (Mitochondrial small ribosomal subunit protein uS14m)MRPS14O6078314
28S ribosomal protein S17, mitochondrial (MRP-S17) (S17mt) (Mitochondrial small ribosomal subunit protein uS17m)MRPS17 RPMS17 HSPC011Q9Y2R514
28S ribosomal protein S18b, mitochondrial (MRP-S18-b) (Mrps18-b) (S18mt-b) (28S ribosomal protein S18-2, mitochondrial) (MRP-S18-2) (Mitochondrial small ribosomal subunit protein bS18b) (Mitochondrial small ribosomal subunit protein mS40)MRPS18B C6orf14 HSPC183 PTD017Q9Y67614
39S ribosomal protein L14, mitochondrial (L14mt) (MRP-L14) (39S ribosomal protein L32, mitochondrial) (L32mt) (MRP-L32) (Mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit protein uL14m)MRPL14 MRPL32 RPML32Q6P1L814
39S ribosomal protein L17, mitochondrial (L17mt) (MRP-L17) (LYST-interacting protein 2) (Mitochondrial large ribosomal subunit protein bL17m)MRPL17 LIP2Q9NRX214
60S ribosomal protein L27aRPL27AE9PLL614
Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) (EC
Actin, alpha skeletal muscleACTA1A6NL7614
Adenylate cyclase type 6 (EC (ATP pyrophosphate-lyase 6) (Adenylate cyclase type VI) (Adenylyl cyclase 6) (Ca(2+)-inhibitable adenylyl cyclase)ADCY6 KIAA0422O4330614
Adenylyltransferase and sulfurtransferase MOCS3 (Molybdenum cofactor synthesis protein 3) (Molybdopterin synthase sulfurylase) (MPT synthase sulfurylase) [Includes: Molybdopterin-synthase adenylyltransferase (EC (Adenylyltransferase MOCS3) (Sulfur carrier protein MOCS2A adenylyltransferase); Molybdopterin-synthase sulfurtransferase (EC (Sulfur carrier protein MOCS2A sulfurtransferase) (Sulfurtransferase MOCS3)]MOCS3 UBA4O9539614
Adhesion G protein-coupled receptor L1 (Calcium-independent alpha-latrotoxin receptor 1) (CIRL-1) (Latrophilin-1) (Lectomedin-2)ADGRL1 KIAA0821 LEC2 LPHN1O9491014
Angiopoietin-related protein 1 (Angiopoietin-3) (ANG-3) (Angiopoietin-like protein 1)ANGPTL1 ANG3 ANGPT3 ARP1 PSEC0154 UNQ162/PRO188O9584114
Angiopoietin-related protein 6 (Angiopoietin-like protein 6) (Angiopoietin-related growth factor) (Angiopoietin-related protein 5)ANGPTL6 AGF ARP5 UNQ152/PRO178Q8NI9914
Antigen peptide transporter 2 (APT2) (ATP-binding cassette sub-family B member 3) (Peptide supply factor 2) (Peptide transporter PSF2) (PSF-2) (Peptide transporter TAP2) (Peptide transporter involved in antigen processing 2) (Really interesting new gene 11 protein)TAP2 ABCB3 PSF2 RING11 Y1Q0351914
Arf-GAP with GTPase, ANK repeat and PH domain-containing protein 3 (AGAP-3) (CRAM-associated GTPase) (CRAG) (Centaurin-gamma-3) (Cnt-g3) (MR1-interacting protein) (MRIP-1)AGAP3 CENTG3Q96P4714
ARHA protein (Fragment)ARHAQ9BVT014
Arylamine N-acetyltransferase 2 (EC (Arylamide acetylase 2) (N-acetyltransferase type 2) (NAT-2) (Polymorphic arylamine N-acetyltransferase) (PNAT)NAT2 AAC2P1124514
Aspartate--tRNA ligase, mitochondrial (EC (Aspartyl-tRNA synthetase) (AspRS)DARS2Q6PI4814
ATP-dependent RNA helicase DDX54 (EC (ATP-dependent RNA helicase DP97) (DEAD box RNA helicase 97 kDa) (DEAD box protein 54)DDX54Q8TDD114
Bactericidal permeability-increasing protein (BPI) (CAP 57)BPIP1721314
Bile salt export pump (ATP-binding cassette sub-family B member 11)ABCB11 BSEPO9534214
Biogenesis of lysosome-related organelles complex 1 subunit 6 (BLOC-1 subunit 6) (Pallid protein homolog) (Pallidin) (Syntaxin 13-interacting protein)BLOC1S6 PA PLDNQ9UL4514
BPI fold-containing family B member 2 (Bactericidal/permeability-increasing protein-like 1) (BPI-like 1) (Long palate, lung and nasal epithelium carcinoma-associated protein 2) (RYSR)BPIFB2 BPIL1 C20orf184 LPLUNC2 UNQ2489/PRO5776Q8N4F014
Bromodomain-containing protein 4 (Protein HUNK1)BRD4 HUNK1O6088514
C3 and PZP-like alpha-2-macroglobulin domain-containing protein 8CPAMD8 KIAA1283Q8IZJ314
CAD proteinCADF8VPD414
Cadherin-5 (7B4 antigen) (Vascular endothelial cadherin) (VE-cadherin) (CD antigen CD144)CDH5P3315114
Calcineurin B homologous protein 3 (Tescalcin) (TSC)TESC CHP3Q96BS214
Calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase type II subunit alpha (CaM kinase II subunit alpha) (CaMK-II subunit alpha) (EC CAMKA KIAA0968Q9UQM714
Carbonic anhydrase 14 (EC (Carbonate dehydratase XIV) (Carbonic anhydrase XIV) (CA-XIV)CA14 UNQ690/PRO1335Q9ULX714
Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 7 (Carcinoembryonic antigen CGM2)CEACAM7 CGM2Q1400214
CD2 antigen cytoplasmic tail-binding protein 2 (CD2 cytoplasmic domain-binding protein 2) (CD2 tail-binding protein 2) (U5 snRNP 52K protein) (U5-52K)CD2BP2 KIAA1178O9540014
cDNA FLJ55606, highly similar to Alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein0B7Z8Q214
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