EVpedia provide top 100+ EV markers, selected according to their identification number.
Based on EV proteomes, we defined the identification number of protein A as the number of datasets which contain protein A.
Therefore, proteins with higher identification numbers were more conserved.


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Protein name Gene symbol UniProt accession Identification number
SLC25A6 protein (Solute carrier family 25 (Mitochondrial carrier adenine nucleotide translocator), member 6) (cDNA, FLJ92654, highly similar to Homo sapiens solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; adenine nucleotide translocator), member 6 (SLC25A6), mRNA)SLC25A6 hCG_1746794Q6I9V57
Sodium- and chloride-dependent GABA transporter 3 (GAT-3) (Solute carrier family 6 member 11)SLC6A11 GABT3 GAT3P480667
Sodium-dependent phosphate transport protein 2A (Sodium-phosphate transport protein 2A) (Na(+)-dependent phosphate cotransporter 2A) (NaPi-3) (Sodium/phosphate cotransporter 2A) (Na(+)/Pi cotransporter 2A) (NaPi-2a) (Solute carrier family 34 member 1)SLC34A1 NPT2 SLC17A2Q064957
Sodium-independent neutral amino acid transporter LAT1lat1Q96QB27
Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit alpha (EC 3.6.3.-)ATP1A2B1AKY97
Sodium/potassium-transporting ATPase subunit betaATP1B1 hCG_37798A3KLL57
Solute carrier family 22 member 23SLC22A23 C6orf85A1A5C77
Solute carrier family 40 member 1 (Ferroportin-1) (Iron-regulated transporter 1)SLC40A1 FPN1 IREG1 SLC11A3 MSTP079Q9NP597
Sorting nexin-1SNX1H0YK427
Sorting nexin-11SNX11Q9Y5W97
Sorting nexin-30SNX30Q5VWJ97
Sperm protein associated with the nucleus on the X chromosome B1 (Cancer/testis antigen 11.2) (CT11.2) (Nuclear-associated protein SPAN-Xb) (SPANX-B) (SPANX family member B1) (SPANX family member F1)SPANXB1 SPANXB SPANXB2 SPANXF1Q9NS257
Sperm-associated antigen 5 (Astrin) (Deepest) (Mitotic spindle-associated protein p126) (MAP126)SPAG5Q96R067
Sperm-specific antigen 2 (Cleavage signal-1 protein) (CS-1) (Ki-ras-induced actin-interacting protein)SSFA2 CS1 KIAA1927 KRAPP282907
Sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase 3 (EC (Neutral sphingomyelinase 2) (nSMase-2) (nSMase2) (Neutral sphingomyelinase II)SMPD3Q9NY597
Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor 2 (S1P receptor 2) (S1P2) (Endothelial differentiation G-protein coupled receptor 5) (Sphingosine 1-phosphate receptor Edg-5) (S1P receptor Edg-5)S1PR2 EDG5O951367
Spindlin-1 (Ovarian cancer-related protein) (Spindlin1)SPIN1 OCR SPINQ9Y6577
Splicing factor U2AF 26 kDa subunit (U2 auxiliary factor 26) (U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 1-like protein 4) (U2AF1-like 4) (U2(RNU2) small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 1-like protein 3) (U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 1-like protein 3) (U2AF1-like protein 3)U2AF1L4 U2AF1-RS3 U2AF1L3Q8WU687
Splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 19 (SR-related C-terminal domain-associated factor 1) (SR-related and CTD-associated factor 1) (SR-related-CTD-associated factor) (SCAF) (Serine arginine-rich pre-mRNA splicing factor SR-A1) (SR-A1)SCAF1 SFRS19 SRA1Q9H7N47
StAR-related lipid transfer protein 3 (Metastatic lymph node gene 64 protein) (MLN 64) (Protein CAB1) (START domain-containing protein 3) (StARD3)STARD3 CAB1 MLN64Q148497
Sterol 26-hydroxylase, mitochondrial (EC (5-beta-cholestane-3-alpha,7-alpha,12-alpha-triol 27-hydroxylase) (Cytochrome P-450C27/25) (Cytochrome P450 27) (Sterol 27-hydroxylase) (Vitamin D(3) 25-hydroxylase)CYP27A1 CYP27Q023187
Stimulator of interferon genes protein (hSTING) (Endoplasmic reticulum interferon stimulator) (ERIS) (Mediator of IRF3 activation) (hMITA) (Transmembrane protein 173)TMEM173 ERIS MITA STINGQ86WV67
Succinate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase, mitochondrial (EC (Aldehyde dehydrogenase family 5 member A1) (NAD(+)-dependent succinic semialdehyde dehydrogenase)ALDH5A1 SSADHP516497
Suppressor of tumorigenicity 14 protein homolog (EC (Serine protease 14)0B2RAF97
SUPT16H protein (Fragment)SUPT16HQ0VGA37
SURP and G-patch domain-containing protein 2 (Arginine/serine-rich-splicing factor 14) (Splicing factor, arginine/serine-rich 14)SUGP2 KIAA0365 SFRS14Q8IX017
Sushi domain-containing protein 1SUSD1 UNQ2438/PRO4999Q6UWL27
Sushi domain-containing protein 3SUSD3 UNQ9387/PRO34275Q96L087
Synaptosomal-associated proteinSNAP23 hCG_40424A8K2877
Synaptosomal-associated protein (Fragment)SNAP23H3BV997
Synaptotagmin-5 (Synaptotagmin V) (SytV)SYT5O004457
Synemin (Desmuslin)SYNM DMN KIAA0353 SYNO150617
T-box brain protein 1 (T-brain-1) (TBR-1) (TES-56)TBR1Q166507
T-cell surface glycoprotein CD3 epsilon chain (T-cell surface antigen T3/Leu-4 epsilon chain) (CD antigen CD3e)CD3E T3EP077667
T-cell surface glycoprotein CD3 zeta chain (T-cell receptor T3 zeta chain) (CD antigen CD247)CD247 CD3Z T3Z TCRZP209637
T-complex protein 1 subunit betaCCT2F8VQ147
T-complex protein 1 subunit zeta (TCP-1-zeta) (Acute morphine dependence-related protein 2) (CCT-zeta-1) (HTR3) (Tcp20)CCT6A CCT6 CCTZA6NCD27
TaperinTPRN C9orf75Q4KMQ17
Targeting protein for Xklp2 (Differentially expressed in cancerous and non-cancerous lung cells 2) (DIL-2) (Hepatocellular carcinoma-associated antigen 519) (Hepatocellular carcinoma-associated antigen 90) (Protein fls353) (Restricted expression proliferation-associated protein 100) (p100)TPX2 C20orf1 C20orf2 DIL2 HCA519Q9ULW07
TBC1 domain family member 7 (Cell migration-inducing protein 23)TBC1D7 TBC7 HSPC239Q9P0N97
TBC1 domain family member 8BTBC1D8BQ0IIM87
Tensin-1TNS1 TNSQ9HBL07
Tetraspanin (Fragment)0Q59ED57
Tetraspanin (Fragment)CD81H0YDJ97
Tetraspanin-2 (Tspan-2) (Tetraspan NET-3)TSPAN2O606367
Threonine synthase-like 2 (TSH2) (EC 4.2.3.-) (Secreted osteoclastogenic factor of activated T-cells) (SOFAT)THNSL2Q86YJ67
Tissue-type plasminogen activator (cDNA FLJ59355, highly similar to Tissue-type plasminogen activator (EC
TNF receptor-associated factor 4 (Cysteine-rich domain associated with RING and Traf domains protein 1) (Metastatic lymph node gene 62 protein) (MLN 62) (RING finger protein 83)TRAF4 CART1 MLN62 RNF83Q9BUZ47
Trafficking protein particle complex subunit 10 (Epilepsy holoprosencephaly candidate 1 protein) (EHOC-1) (Protein GT334) (Trafficking protein particle complex subunit TMEM1) (Transport protein particle subunit TMEM1) (TRAPP subunit TMEM1)TRAPPC10 EHOC1 TMEM1P485537
Trafficking protein particle complex subunit 2B (MBP-1-interacting protein 2A) (MIP-2A)TRAPPC2B SEDLP1 TRAPPC2.19 TRAPPC2P1P0DI827
Transketolase (TK) (EC
Transmembrane protease serine 11D (EC 3.4.21.-) (Airway trypsin-like protease) [Cleaved into: Transmembrane protease serine 11D non-catalytic chain; Transmembrane protease serine 11D catalytic chain]TMPRSS11D HATO602357
Transmembrane protein 238TMEM238C9JI987
Tripartite motif-containing protein 2 (EC (E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase TRIM2) (RING finger protein 86) (RING-type E3 ubiquitin transferase TRIM2)TRIM2 KIAA0517 RNF86Q9C0407
tRNA-dihydrouridine(47) synthase [NAD(P)(+)]-like (EC 1.3.1.-) (tRNA-dihydrouridine synthase 3-like)DUS3LQ96G467
TSC22 domain family protein 3 (DSIP-immunoreactive peptide) (Protein DIP) (hDIP) (Delta sleep-inducing peptide immunoreactor) (Glucocorticoid-induced leucine zipper protein) (GILZ) (TSC-22-like protein) (TSC-22-related protein) (TSC-22R)TSC22D3 DSIPI GILZQ995767
Tubulin beta chain (Fragment)TUBB4AM0R1I17
Tudor domain-containing protein 7 (PCTAIRE2-binding protein) (Tudor repeat associator with PCTAIRE-2) (Trap)TDRD7 PCTAIRE2BPQ8NHU67
Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 3 (Lymphotoxin-beta receptor) (Tumor necrosis factor C receptor) (Tumor necrosis factor receptor 2-related protein) (Tumor necrosis factor receptor type III) (TNF-RIII) (TNFR-III)LTBR D12S370 TNFCR TNFR3 TNFRSF3P369417
Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily, member 6 isoform 1 variant (Fragment)0Q59FU87
Tumor protein p63-regulated gene 1-like protein (Mossy fiber terminal-associated vertebrate-specific presynaptic protein) (Protein FAM79A)TPRG1L FAM79A MOVERQ5T0D97
TXNDC5 proteinTXNDC5Q86UY07
Type I inositol 3,4-bisphosphate 4-phosphatase (EC (Inositol polyphosphate 4-phosphatase type I)INPP4AQ96PE37
Tyrosine-protein phosphatase non-receptor type 9 (EC (Protein-tyrosine phosphatase MEG2) (PTPase MEG2)PTPN9P433787
UBAP1-MVB12-associated (UMA)-domain containing protein 1 (RPA3 antisense RNA 1) (RPA3 opposite strand)UMAD1 RPA3-AS1 RPA3OSC9J7I07
Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 25 (EC (Deubiquitinating enzyme 25) (USP on chromosome 21) (Ubiquitin thioesterase 25) (Ubiquitin-specific-processing protease 25)USP25 USP21Q9UHP37
Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 40 (EC (Deubiquitinating enzyme 40) (Ubiquitin thioesterase 40) (Ubiquitin-specific-processing protease 40)USP40Q9NVE57
Ubiquitin carboxyl-terminal hydrolase 46 (EC (Deubiquitinating enzyme 46) (Ubiquitin thioesterase 46) (Ubiquitin-specific-processing protease 46)USP46P620687
Ubiquitin thioesterase OTUB1OTUB1F5GYN47
Ubiquitin-associated and SH3 domain-containing protein A (Cbl-interacting protein 4) (CLIP4) (Suppressor of T-cell receptor signaling 2) (STS-2) (T-cell ubiquitin ligand 1) (TULA-1)UBASH3A STS2P570757
Ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme E2 Q1 (EC (E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme Q1) (Protein NICE-5) (Ubiquitin carrier protein Q1) (Ubiquitin-protein ligase Q1)UBE2Q1 NICE5 UBE2Q PRO3094Q7Z7E87
Ubiquitin-protein ligase E3B (EC (HECT-type ubiquitin transferase E3B)UBE3BQ7Z3V47
Uncharacterized protein0Q6GMX07
Uncharacterized protein0F5H4237
Uncharacterized protein (Fragment)0H3BN987
Uncharacterized protein (Fragment)0H7C4697
Uncharacterized protein (Fragment)0M0QYM27
Uncharacterized protein KIAA1671KIAA1671Q9BY897
Unconventional myosin-IXa (Unconventional myosin-9a)MYO9A MYR7B2RTY47
Unconventional myosin-XVB (Myosin XVBP) (Unconventional myosin-15B)MYO15B KIAA1783 MYO15BPQ96JP27
UPF0769 protein C21orf59C21orf59 C21orf48P570767
Uteroglobin (Clara cell phospholipid-binding protein) (CCPBP) (Clara cells 10 kDa secretory protein) (CC10) (Secretoglobin family 1A member 1) (Urinary protein 1) (UP-1) (UP1) (Urine protein 1)SCGB1A1 CC10 CCSP UGBP116847
V-set and immunoglobulin domain-containing protein 4 (Protein Z39Ig)VSIG4 CRIg Z39IG UNQ317/PRO362Q9Y2797
V-type proton ATPase subunit G 3 (V-ATPase subunit G 3) (V-ATPase 13 kDa subunit 3) (Vacuolar proton pump subunit G 3)ATP6V1G3 ATP6G3Q96LB47
V1-4 protein (Fragment)V1-4Q5NV637
Vascular endothelial growth factor A (VEGF-A) (Vascular permeability factor) (VPF)VEGFA VEGFP156927
VCP proteinVCPQ0IIN57
Vesicle-associated membrane protein 3 (VAMP-3) (Cellubrevin) (CEB) (Synaptobrevin-3)VAMP3 SYB3Q9BRV47
Vesicle-fusing ATPaseNSFI3L0N37
Vimentin (Vimentin variant 3)VIMB0YJC47
Voltage-dependent P/Q-type calcium channel subunit alpha-1A (Brain calcium channel I) (BI) (Calcium channel, L type, alpha-1 polypeptide isoform 4) (Voltage-gated calcium channel subunit alpha Cav2.1)CACNA1A CACH4 CACN3 CACNL1A4O005557
von Willebrand factor A domain-containing protein 1 (Fragment)VWA1J3QRR07
von Willebrand factor A domain-containing protein 2 (A domain-containing protein similar to matrilin and collagen) (AMACO) (Colon cancer secreted protein 2) (CCSP-2)VWA2 AMACOQ5GFL67
VPS10 domain-containing receptor SorCS2SORCS2 KIAA1329Q96PQ07
WD repeat-containing protein 1 isoform 1 variant (Fragment)0Q59ER57
Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASp)WAS IMD2P427687
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