EVpedia provide top 100+ EV markers, selected according to their identification number.
Based on EV proteomes, we defined the identification number of protein A as the number of datasets which contain protein A.
Therefore, proteins with higher identification numbers were more conserved.


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Protein name Gene symbol UniProt accession Identification number
Probable dual-specificity RNA methyltransferase RlmN (EC (23S rRNA (adenine(2503)-C(2))-methyltransferase) (23S rRNA m2A2503 methyltransferase) (Ribosomal RNA large subunit methyltransferase N) (tRNA (adenine(37)-C(2))-methyltransferase) (tRNA m2A37 methyltransferase)rlmN SPy_1533 M5005_Spy1261Q99YU51
Probable enoyl-CoA hydratase EchA1 (Enoyl hydrase) (Unsaturated acyl-CoA hydratase) (Crotonase)echA1 Rv0222P964041
Probable enoyl-CoA hydratase EchA15 (Enoyl hydrase) (Unsaturated acyl-CoA hydratase) (Crotonase)echA15 Rv2679I6YA031
Probable enoyl-CoA hydratase EchA16 (Enoyl hydrase) (Unsaturated acyl-CoA hydratase) (Crotonase)echA16 Rv2831I6YEH61
Probable enoyl-CoA hydratase EchA3 (Enoyl hydrase) (Unsaturated acyl-CoA hydratase) (Crotonase)echA3 Rv0632cI6Y8B51
Probable enoyl-CoA hydratase EchA5 (Enoyl hydrase) (Unsaturated acyl-CoA hydratase) (Crotonase)echA5 Rv0675I6Y4E81
Probable enoyl-CoA hydratase echA8 (EC Rv1070c MTV017.23cP9WNN91
Probable enoyl-CoA hydratase/isomerasePA0744Q9I5I51
Probable FAD-dependent monooxygenasePA5221Q9HTW91
Probable fatty oxidation protein FadBfadB Rv0860O538721
Probable ferredoxinPA4772Q9HV361
Probable ferredoxin FdxCfdxC Rv1177O504331
Probable fructose-6-phosphate aldolase (EC 4.1.2.-)fsa SPN23F02420B8ZKS31
Probable fructose-bisphosphate aldolase (FBP aldolase) (FBPA) (EC (Fructose-1,6-bisphosphate aldolase)fbaA fba fba1 tsr BSU37120P132431
Probable glutamate/gamma-aminobutyrate antiporter (Extreme acid sensitivity protein)gadC acsA xasA Z2216 ECs2097P582291
Probable glutamine synthetasespuI PA0296Q9I6J51
Probable glutamine synthetasespuB PA0298Q9I6J31
Probable glutamine synthetase GlnA4 (Glutamine synthase) (GS-II)glnA4 Rv2860cI6X5K11
Probable glutathione S-transferasePA0473Q9I6451
Probable glutathione S-transferasePA2813Q9I0301
Probable glutathione S-transferasePA2821Q9I0221
Probable glycine dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) subunit 1 (EC (Glycine cleavage system P-protein subunit 1) (Glycine decarboxylase subunit 1) (Glycine dehydrogenase (aminomethyl-transferring) subunit 1)gcvPA Fphi_0338B0TZJ61
Probable glycine dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) subunit 1 (EC (Glycine cleavage system P-protein subunit 1) (Glycine decarboxylase subunit 1) (Glycine dehydrogenase (aminomethyl-transferring) subunit 1)gcvPA FTN_0507A0Q5871
Probable glycine dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) subunit 1 (EC (Glycine cleavage system P-protein subunit 1) (Glycine decarboxylase subunit 1) (Glycine dehydrogenase (aminomethyl-transferring) subunit 1)gcvPA SAOUHSC_01633Q2FY341
Probable glycine dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) subunit 2 (EC (Glycine cleavage system P-protein subunit 2) (Glycine decarboxylase subunit 2) (Glycine dehydrogenase (aminomethyl-transferring) subunit 2)gcvPB Fphi_0337B0TZJ51
Probable glycine dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) subunit 2 (EC (Glycine cleavage system P-protein subunit 2) (Glycine decarboxylase subunit 2) (Glycine dehydrogenase (aminomethyl-transferring) subunit 2)gcvPB FTN_0508A0Q5881
Probable glycine dehydrogenase (decarboxylating) subunit 2 (EC (Glycine cleavage system P-protein subunit 2) (Glycine decarboxylase subunit 2) (Glycine dehydrogenase (aminomethyl-transferring) subunit 2)gcvPB SAOUHSC_01632Q2FY351
Probable GTP-binding protein EngBengB Sama_0092A1S1P81
Probable GTP-binding protein EngBengB spr1426P640731
Probable GTP-binding protein EngBengB yihA b3865 JW5930P0A6P71
Probable GTP-binding protein EngBengB VSAK1_13231A6D9T71
Probable GTP-binding protein EngBengB SPy_0886 M5005_Spy0692Q9A0881
Probable helicase HelY (EC 3.6.4.-)helY Rv2092c MTCY49.32cP9WMR11
Probable heme utilization proteinPA1302Q9I4421
Probable hydrolasePA1202Q9I4D61
Probable hydrolasePA0562Q9I5X41
Probable immunoreactive 23 kDa antigenPGN_0482B2RI061
Probable intracellular septation protein APP_4501P593641
Probable ion-uptake ABC transporterCPE0438Q8XNA01
Probable isocitrate dehydrogenase [NADP] Icd2 (Oxalosuccinate decarboxylase) (IDH) (NADP+-specific ICDH) (IDP)icd2 Rv0066cO536111
Probable lysyl endopeptidasePGN_1416B2RKP01
Probable M18 family aminopeptidase 2 (EC 3.4.11.-)apeB B195_20205M5QQG31
Probable M18 family aminopeptidase 2 (EC 3.4.11.-)apeB pepC Rv0800 MTCY07H7A.09cP9WHT11
Probable major facilitator superfamily (MFS) transporterPA4233Q9HWG11
Probable malate:quinone oxidoreductase (EC (MQO) (Malate dehydrogenase [quinone])mqo A1S_0923A3M3611
Probable malate:quinone oxidoreductase (EC (MQO) (Malate dehydrogenase [quinone])mqo Cj0393cP569541
Probable malate:quinone oxidoreductase (EC (MQO) (Malate dehydrogenase [quinone])mqo NMB2096Q9JXD71
Probable malate:quinone oxidoreductase (EC (MQO) (Malate dehydrogenase [quinone])mqo B195_12251M5QJL81
Probable malate:quinone oxidoreductase (EC (MQO) (Malate dehydrogenase [quinone])mqo SSON_2268Q3YZZ71
Probable malate:quinone oxidoreductase (EC (MQO) (Malate dehydrogenase [quinone])mqo SAOUHSC_02927Q2FV161
Probable malate:quinone oxidoreductase (EC (MQO) (Malate dehydrogenase [quinone])mqo SAOUHSC_02647Q2FVQ51
Probable malate:quinone oxidoreductase 2 (EC (MQO 2) (Malate dehydrogenase [quinone] 2)mqo2 MW2526Q8NUM41
Probable manganese-dependent inorganic pyrophosphatase (EC (Pyrophosphate phospho-hydrolase) (PPase)ppaC SPy_0380 M5005_Spy0319P657571
Probable medium-chain acyl-CoA ligasePA3924Q9HX891
Probable membrane transporter proteinCD630_32360Q17ZY01
Probable membrane transporter proteintauE KU39_2983A0A0K2L7L31
Probable metallopeptidasePA4498Q9HVS31
Probable metalloproteasePA5474Q9HT961
Probable methylmalonate-semialdehyde dehydrogenase MmsA (Methylmalonic acid semialdehyde dehydrogenase) (MMSDH)mmsA Rv0753cO538161
Probable MFS dicarboxylate transporterPA5530Q9HT431
Probable multidrug ABC transporter permease YbhRybhR b0792 JW5803P0AFP91
Probable N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidaseYPO1683Q7CIX71
Probable N-acetylneuraminic acid outer membrane channel protein NanC (NanR-regulated channel) (Porin NanC)nanC yjhA b4311 JW5778P698561
Probable N-succinyldiaminopimelate aminotransferase DapC (DAP-AT) (EC Rv0858cP9WPZ51
Probable nadAB transcriptional regulatornadR SSON_4540Q3YU041
Probable Ni/Fe-hydrogenase 2 b-type cytochrome subunithybB b2995 JW5494P371801
Probable nicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase (EC (Deamido-NAD(+) diphosphorylase) (Deamido-NAD(+) pyrophosphorylase) (Nicotinate mononucleotide adenylyltransferase) (NaMN adenylyltransferase)nadD SP70585_1786C1C8Y31
Probable nicotinate-nucleotide adenylyltransferase (EC (Deamido-NAD(+) diphosphorylase) (Deamido-NAD(+) pyrophosphorylase) (Nicotinate mononucleotide adenylyltransferase) (NaMN adenylyltransferase)nadD SPy_0308 M5005_Spy0263Q9A1F21
Probable non-ribosomal peptide synthetasePA3327Q9HYR81
Probable nonribosomal peptide synthetasePA4078Q9HWV01
Probable outer membrane proteinopmQ PA2391Q9I1891
Probable outer membrane proteinPA4592Q9HVJ41
Probable outer membrane proteinPA4837Q9HUX31
Probable outer membrane proteinPA2525Q9I0V81
Probable outer membrane proteinPA4589Q9HVJ61
Probable outer membrane usher protein ElfCelfC ycbS b0940 JW0923P758571
Probable oxaloacetate decarboxylase gamma chain (EC VSAK1_07789A6D8431
Probable oxidoreductasePA3256Q9HYY41
Probable oxidoreductasePA5309Q9HTP51
Probable oxidoreductasePA5181Q9HU081
Probable oxidoreductasePA2491Q9I0Z11
Probable penicillin-binding protein DacB2 (D-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidase) (DD-peptidase) (DD-carboxypeptidase) (PBP) (DD-transpeptidase) (Serine-type D-ala-D-ala carboxypeptidase) (D-amino acid...dacB2 Rv2911I6Y2041
Probable peptidylarginine deiminasePGN_0898B2RJ721
Probable permease of ABC transporterPA1808Q9I2T61
Probable permease of ABC transporterPA1809Q9I2T51
Probable phenazine-specific methyltransferasephzM PA4209Q9HWH21
Probable phosphatidate cytidylyltransferasePA2536Q9I0U81
Probable phospholipid-binding lipoprotein MlaAmlaA vacJ SF2424 S2559P432621
Probable phosphoserine phosphatasePA4960Q9HUK51
Probable potassium transport system protein kupkup PP_1200Q88NK71
Probable propionyl-CoA carboxylase beta chain 5 (PCCase) (EC (Propanoyl-CoA:carbon dioxide ligase)accD5 pccB Rv3280 MTCY71.20P9WQH71
Probable protein kinase UbiB (EC 2.7.-.-)ubiB FTN_0459A0Q5471
Probable protein kinase UbiB (EC 2.7.-.-)ubiB FTT_1298Q5NFD91
Probable protein kinase UbiB (EC 2.7.-.-) (Ubiquinone biosynthesis protein UbiB)ubiB PA5065Q9HUB81
Probable protein kinase UbiB (EC 2.7.-.-) (Ubiquinone biosynthesis protein UbiB)ubiB VSAK1_13180A6D2C51
Probable proton/glutamate-aspartate symportergltP PA5479Q9HT911
Probable pyruvate dehydrogenase E1 component, alpha subunitPA3417Q9HYI81
Probable quinol oxidase subunit 1 (EC 1.10.3.-) (Quinol oxidase polypeptide I)qoxB SAOUHSC_01001Q2FZK01
Probable quinol oxidase subunit 2 (EC 1.10.3.-) (Quinol oxidase polypeptide II)qoxA SAOUHSC_01002Q2FZJ91
Probable quinone reductase Qor (NADPH:quinone reductase) (Zeta-crystallin homolog protein)qor Rv1454cO531461
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