EVpedia provide top 100+ EV markers, selected according to their identification number.
Based on EV proteomes, we defined the identification number of protein A as the number of datasets which contain protein A.
Therefore, proteins with higher identification numbers were more conserved.


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Protein name Gene symbol UniProt accession Identification number
Probable regulatory proteinSPy_0851Q9A0B41
Probable Resistance-Nodulation-Cell Division (RND) efflux transporterPA3676Q9HXW41
Probable Resistance-Nodulation-Cell Division (RND) efflux transporterPA0158Q9I6X41
Probable Resistance-Nodulation-Cell Division (RND) efflux transporterPA2526Q9I0V71
Probable Resistance-Nodulation-Cell Division (RND) efflux transporterPA4375Q9HW271
Probable restriction-modification system proteinPA2735Q9I0A71
Probable Sec-independent protein translocase protein TatEtatA tatE EDWATA_03132D4F8N21
Probable septum site-determining protein MinCminC OOM_0314I2AXG51
Probable serine protease PepA (Serine proteinase) (MTB32A)pepA Rv0125O071751
Probable short-chain dehydrogenasePA0182Q9I6V01
Probable short-chain dehydrogenasePA2918Q9HZS91
Probable short-chain dehydrogenasePA3173Q9HZ611
Probable short-chain dehydrogenasePA3427Q9HYH81
Probable short-chain dehydrogenasePA5521Q9HT521
Probable short-chain dehydrogenasePA3277Q9HYW41
Probable short-chain dehydrogenase (EC 1.-.-.-)ybbO YPO3081Q7CJZ41
Probable sigma-70 factor, ECF subfamilyPA0149Q9I6Y31
Probable sodium:solute symporterPA3234Q9HZ061
Probable soluble cytochrome b562 1 (Cytochrome b-562 1)cybC1 cybC YPO3320 y0869 YP_0366Q9X6B11
Probable succinate dehydrogenase [iron-sulfur subunit] (Succinic dehydrogenase)Rv0248cO536701
Probable succinyl-CoA:3-ketoacid coenzyme A transferase subunit A (EC (Succinyl-CoA:3-oxoacid CoA-transferase) (OXCT A)scoA Rv2504c MTCY07A7.10cP9WPW51
Probable succinyl-CoA:3-ketoacid coenzyme A transferase subunit B (EC (OXCT B) (Succinyl-CoA:3-oxoacid CoA-transferase)scoB Rv2503c MTCY07A7.09cP9WPW31
Probable sugar ABC transporter, ATP-binding proteinVSAK1_10873A6D2221
Probable sulfataseRv0296cQ6MX511
Probable sulfite or nitrite reductasePA4130Q9HWQ11
Probable thiol peroxidase (EC 1.11.1.-)tpx B195_21915M5QEC51
Probable thiol peroxidase (EC 1.11.1.-)tpx PG_1729Q7MU371
Probable thiol peroxidase (EC 1.11.1.-)tpx YPO2342 y1990 YP_2129Q8ZE421
Probable thiol peroxidase (EC 1.11.1.-)tpx Rv1932 MTCY09F9.32cP9WG351
Probable thiol peroxidase (EC 1.11.1.-)tpx SC1083_1924G4AAP81
Probable thiol peroxidase (EC 1.11.1.-)tpx HPSD74_1314U4SIZ61
Probable thiol peroxidase (EC 1.11.1.-) (Superoxide-inducible protein 8) (SOI8)tpx ytgI BSU29490P808641
Probable tonB-dependent receptoryncD KPN_01909A6T9R91
Probable TonB-dependent receptorPA1322Q9I4221
Probable TonB-dependent receptor NMB0964NMB0964Q9JZN91
Probable transaldolase (EC MXAN_5922Q1CZW41
Probable transaldolase (EC SPy_1678 M5005_Spy1376P669591
Probable transaldolase (EC CD630_23290Q185K31
Probable transcarboxylase subunitPA5435Q9HTD11
Probable transcriptional regulatorPA3458Q9HYE81
Probable transcriptional regulatorchpD PA0416G3XCU11
Probable transcriptional regulatorPA1269Q9I4751
Probable transcriptional regulatorPA3124Q9HZA01
Probable transcriptional regulatorPA0906Q9I5511
Probable transcriptional regulatorPA1504Q9I3K81
Probable transcriptional regulatorPA2877Q9HZX01
Probable transcriptional regulatorPA3034Q9HZH41
Probable transcriptional regulatory protein SPy_0316/M5005_Spy0269SPy_0316 M5005_Spy0269P671881
Probable transglycosylase IsaA (EC 3.2.-.-) (Immunodominant staphylococcal antigen A)isaA SAOUHSC_02887Q2FV521
Probable transporterPA1651Q9I3741
Probable triacylglyceride transporter Rv1410c (MFS-type drug efflux transporter P55)Rv1410cP9WJY31
Probable tRNA sulfurtransferase (EC (Sulfur carrier protein ThiS sulfurtransferase) (Thiamine biosynthesis protein ThiI) (tRNA 4-thiouridine synthase)thiI SPy_0817 M5005_Spy0631Q9A0D81
Probable two-component response regulatorPA0756Q9I5H31
Probable two-component sensorPA3271Q9HYX01
Probable two-component sensorPA5484Q9HT871
Probable two-component sensorPA1458G3XCT61
Probable type II secretion system proteinPA1382Q9I3W21
Probable zinc protease PqqL (EC 3.4.24.-)pqqL yddC b1494 JW1489P318281
Proline iminopeptidase (PIP) (EC (Prolyl aminopeptidase)pip FTN_1731A0Q8L81
Proline--tRNA ligase (EC (Global RNA synthesis factor) (Prolyl-tRNA synthetase) (ProRS)proS drpA b0194 JW0190P166591
Proline--tRNA ligase (EC (Prolyl-tRNA synthetase) (ProRS)proS MW1146Q7A1201
Proline--tRNA ligase (EC (Prolyl-tRNA synthetase) (ProRS)proS jhp_0223Q9ZMJ61
Proline--tRNA ligase (EC (Prolyl-tRNA synthetase) (ProRS)proS FTN_1377A0Q7N31
Proline--tRNA ligase (EC (Prolyl-tRNA synthetase) (ProRS)proS Cj0543Q9PHX11
Proline--tRNA ligase (EC (Prolyl-tRNA synthetase) (ProRS)proS B195_10711M5QGH61
Proline--tRNA ligase (EC (Prolyl-tRNA synthetase) (ProRS)proS YPO1068 y3109 YP_2781Q7CH251
Proline--tRNA ligase (EC (Prolyl-tRNA synthetase) (ProRS)proS SF0185 S0187Q83MC81
Proline--tRNA ligase (EC (Prolyl-tRNA synthetase) (ProRS)proS Rv2845c MTCY24A1.12P9WFT91
Proline--tRNA ligase (EC (Prolyl-tRNA synthetase) (ProRS)proS SPy_1962 M5005_Spy1673Q99XY41
Proline--tRNA ligase (EC (Prolyl-tRNA synthetase) (ProRS)proS SAOUHSC_01240Q2G1Z41
Proline--tRNA ligase 2 (EC (Prolyl-tRNA synthetase 2) (ProRS 2)proS2 CD630_00500Q18CD71
Proline-rich 28 kDa antigenmtc28 Rv0040c MTCY21D4.03cP9WIM91
Prolipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase (EC 2.4.99.-)lgt PA0341Q9I6F21
Prolipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase (EC 2.4.99.-)lgt VSAK1_11128A6D9G61
Prolipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase (EC 2.4.99.-)lgt Smlt0812B2FPF91
Prolipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase (EC 2.4.99.-)lgt SPy_0585 M5005_Spy0485P609651
Prolipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase (EC 2.4.99.-)lgt SAOUHSC_00782Q2G0441
Prolipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase (EC 2.4.99.-)lgt FTT_1228Q5NFK61
Prolipoprotein diacylglyceryl transferase (EC 2.4.99.-) (Spore germination protein GerF)lgt gerF BSU34990O347521
Prophage antitermination protein Q homolog QuuD (Antitermination protein Q homolog from lambdoid prophage DLP12)quuD ybcQ b0551 JW0539Q472741
Prophage maintenance system killer protein (DOC)FTN_0284A0Q4M61
Propionate kinase (EC KPN_02293A6TAU81
Propionyl-CoA carboxylaseB195_07690M5QMT21
Propionyl-CoA carboxylase, beta subunit (EC MXAN_1113Q1DDA01
Protease (EC 3.4.-.-)spr1284Q8DP941
Protease 4 (EC 3.4.21.-) (Endopeptidase IV) (Protease IV) (Signal peptide peptidase)VS_0937B7VLB71
Protease 4 (EC 3.4.21.-) (Endopeptidase IV) (Protease IV) (Signal peptide peptidase)SC1083_0761G4A7G51
Protease 4 (EC 3.4.21.-) (Endopeptidase IV) (Protease IV) (Signal peptide peptidase)VSAK1_03489A6CXJ01
Protease 7 (EC (Omptin) (Outer membrane protein 3B) (Protease A) (Protease VII)ompT Z1931 ECs1663P586031
Protease degQVS_0426B7VIY01
Protease DegQSC1083_0684G4A7921
PROTEASE DOhtrA jhp_0405Q9ZM181
Protease DOVC_0566Q9KUF51
Protease DO family protein (EC 3.4.21.-)MXAN_0934Q1DDS81
Protease HtpX (EC 3.4.24.-) (Heat shock protein HtpX)htpX HPSD74_0979U4SKM61
Protease HtpX (EC 3.4.24.-) (Heat shock protein HtpX)htpX VSAK1_00110A6D5I51
Protease HtpX (EC 3.4.24.-) (Heat shock protein HtpX)htpX Smlt3323B2FN301
Protease HtpX homolog (EC 3.4.24.-)htpX NMB0822Q9K0061
Protease HtpX homolog (EC 3.4.24.-)htpX SPy_0331 M5005_Spy0280Q9A1D51
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