EVpedia provide top 100+ EV markers, selected according to their identification number.
Based on EV proteomes, we defined the identification number of protein A as the number of datasets which contain protein A.
Therefore, proteins with higher identification numbers were more conserved.


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Protein name Gene symbol UniProt accession Identification number
Signal peptidase I (EC FTN_1464A0Q7W71
Signal peptidase I (EC
Signal peptidase I (EC
Signal peptidase I (EC PP_1432Q88MY61
Signal peptidase I (EC
Signal peptidase I (EC HPSD74_0075U4SPB61
Signal peptidase I (EC
Signal peptidase I (EC CD630_05540Q188Z91
Signal peptidase I (EC spsB_1 SAMEA3374989_02348 SAMEA3375059_00994A0A160WAT81
Signal peptidase I (EC
Signal peptidase I (EC
Signal peptidase I (EC
Signal peptidase I (EC FTT_1556cQ5NER21
Signal peptidase I U (SPase I) (EC (Leader peptidase I)sipU ycsB BSU04010P429591
Signal peptide proteinN173_18140U1UEH01
Signal recognition particle protein (Fifty-four homolog)ffh PP_1461Q88MV71
Signal recognition particle protein (Fifty-four homolog)ffh HPSD74_1589U4SEQ31
Signal recognition particle protein (Fifty-four homolog)ffh Smlt1371B2FUB01
Signal recognition particle protein (Fifty-four homolog)ffh SPy_1200Q99ZK11
Signal recognition particle protein (Fifty-four homolog)ffh BN1095_790028 BN1096_560167 BN1097_540171 SAMEA3375004_00151 SAMEA3375059_02492A0A031WDB61
Signal recognition particle protein (Fifty-four homolog)ffh SAOUHSC_01207Q2FZ461
Signal recognition particle protein (Fifty-four homolog)ffh FTT_0964cQ5NG881
Signal recognition particle receptor FtsY (SRP receptor)ftsY PA0373Q9I6C11
Signal recognition particle receptor FtsY (SRP receptor)ftsY VSAK1_12405A6D6X21
Signal recognition particle receptor FtsY (SRP receptor)ftsY SPy_0569Q9A0X71
Signal recognition particle receptor FtsY (SRP receptor)ftsY OOM_0612I2AY751
Signal transduction histidine kinaseNSU_2852G6EET11
Signal transduction histidine-protein kinase AtoS (EC b2219 JW2213Q060671
Signal transduction protein TRAP (Target of RNAIII-activating protein)traP SAOUHSC_01964Q2G2F31
Signal transduction protein with a PAS, a PAC, an EAL and a GGDEF domainFTN_0451A0Q5391
Simple sugar transport system permeaseLMRG_00843A0A0H3GCJ31
Single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB)ssb jhp_1166Q9ZJY21
Single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB)Fphi_0702B0TW151
Single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB)ssb FTN_0124A0Q4701
Single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB)ssb MXAN_1071Q1DDE21
Single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB)ssb Rv0054 MTCY21D4.17P9WGD51
Single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB)HPSD74_0413U4SLL81
Single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB)ssb3 ssb SPy_1830 M5005_Spy1554P668521
Single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB)ssb1 CD630_36620Q181R61
Single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB)OOM_0102I2AWW81
Single-stranded DNA-binding protein (SSB)ssb FTT_1752Q5NE961
Siroheme synthase 1 [Includes: Uroporphyrinogen-III C-methyltransferase 1 (Urogen III methylase 1) (EC (SUMT 1) (Uroporphyrinogen III methylase 1) (UROM 1); Precorrin-2 dehydrogenase 1 (EC; Sirohydrochlorin ferrochelatase 1 (EC]cysG1 KPN78578_30550 KPN_03115A6TD451
Site-determining proteinB195_20220M5QD181
Site-determining proteinfleN PA1454G3XD641
Site-determining proteinOOM_0313I2AXG41
Site-determining proteinminD FTT_1606Q5NEM01
Site-specific recombinaseSPCG_1274B2IQA61
Site-specific recombinase, phage integrase familyEDWATA_02641D4F7A61
Small heat shock protein IbpAibpA PP_1982Q88LF11
Small ribosomal subunit biogenesis GTPase RsgA (EC 3.6.1.-)rsgA SPy_0263 M5005_Spy0223Q9A1H91
Small toxic protein ShoBshoB ryfB yphI b4687 JW2546.1C1P6111
Small toxic protein TisB (LexA-regulated protein TisB)tisB ysdB b4618 JW3649A5A6271
Small-conductance mechanosensitive channelmscS yggB b2924 JW2891P0C0S11
SN-glycerol-3-phosphate ABC transporter, permease proteinVSAK1_01337A6D2F31
sn-glycerol-3-phosphate acyltransferaseplsD AC3_1724B1BX741
sn-glycerol-3-phosphate import ATP-binding protein UgpC (EC VSAK1_01327A6D2F11
sn-glycerol-3-phosphate transport system permease protein UgpEugpE VSAK1_01332A6D2F21
sn-glycerol-3-phosphate-binding periplasmic protein UgpBugpB STM3557Q7CPK01
Snf2 family proteinSPCG_1597B2IRD01
Social gliding motility protein Tgltgl MXAN_3084Q1D7T61
Sodium transport system ATP-binding proteinLMRG_02801A0A0H3GEL01
Sodium, sulfate symporter, putativeSAOUHSC_03030Q2FUS21
Sodium-calcium/proton antiporterchaA KPN_02229A6TAN41
Sodium-dependent dicarboxylate transporter SdcS (Na(+)/dicarboxylate symporter)sdcS SAOUHSC_02137Q2FWY41
Sodium-dependent transporter (Fragment)VSAK1_12140A6D8601
Sodium-dicarboxylate symporter family proteinFTT_0598cQ5NH711
Sodium/alanine symporterVS_0633B7VJV21
Sodium/alanine symporterPP_0496Q88QJ51
Sodium/alanine symporterVSAK1_12000A6D2X61
Sodium/glutamate symportergltS VSAK1_19574A6CWJ51
Sodium/glutamate symporterSAOUHSC_02622Q2FVS01
Sodium/hydrogen exchanger (Antiporter) family proteinFTT_0268Q5NI221
Sodium/hydrogen exchanger family proteinMXAN_3848Q1D5P31
Sodium/hydrogen exchanger family proteinKW89_1738A0A0K2DY001
Sodium/proline symporter (Proline permease)putP SAOUHSC_02119Q2FWY71
Sodium/proline symporter (Proline permease) (Propionate transporter)putP b1015 JW1001P071171
Sodium/solute symporter family proteinAC3_0107B1BXE11
Sodium/solute symporter family proteinAC3_0300B1BS111
Sodium:alanine symporter family proteinAC3_2497B1BPW31
Sodium:alanine symporter family protein, putativeSAOUHSC_01354Q2G2N51
Sodium:dicarboxylate symporter family proteinCPC_1216B1BHD91
Sodium:neurotransmitter symporter family proteinCPC_1604B1BFG41
Sodium:proton exchangerKU39_1592A0A0K2L3P71
Soluble lytic murein transglycosylaseFphi_0355B0TZL31
Soluble lytic murein transglycosylaseVSAK1_14102A6D3P61
Soluble lytic murein transglycosylaseOOM_1057I2AZA81
Soluble lytic murein transglycosylase (EC 3.2.1.-)slt FTT_0400Q5NHP71
Soluble lytic murein transglycosylase (EC 4.2.2.n1) (Exomuramidase) (Peptidoglycan lytic exotransglycosylase) (Slt70)slt sltY b4392 JW4355P0AGC31
Soluble pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenaseFphi_1588B0TZF91
Soluble pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenaseudhA FTN_0999A0Q6M21
Soluble pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase (STH) (EC (NAD(P)(+) transhydrogenase [B-specific])sthA udhA KPN78578_42060 KPN_04251A6TGE61
Soluble pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase (STH) (EC (NAD(P)(+) transhydrogenase [B-specific])sthA B195_19626M5QD741
Soluble pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase (STH) (EC (NAD(P)(+) transhydrogenase [B-specific])sthA sth udhA b3962 JW5551P273061
Soluble pyridine nucleotide transhydrogenase (STH) (EC (NAD(P)(+) transhydrogenase [B-specific])sthA VSAK1_13256A6D9541
Soluble secreted antigen MPT53mpt53 mpb53 Rv2878c MTCY274.09cP9WG651
Sortase A, LPXTG specificpCpb2-CP1_61K9MGG21
Sortase BAC3_0625B1BNC41
Sortase family proteinCP4_3470F8UNK01
Sortase family proteinCPC_2651B1BMR71
Sortase, putativeSAOUHSC_02834Q2FV991
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