EVpedia provide top 100+ EV markers, selected according to their identification number.
Based on EV proteomes, we defined the identification number of protein A as the number of datasets which contain protein A.
Therefore, proteins with higher identification numbers were more conserved.


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Protein name Gene symbol UniProt accession Identification number
Porphobilinogen deaminase (PBG) (EC (Hydroxymethylbilane synthase) (HMBS) (Pre-uroporphyrinogen synthase)hemC BP2537Q7VVU92
PorT proteinporT PG_0751F5HG902
Possible periplasmic proteinCj1289Q0P8W82
Possible starvation-inducible outer membrane lipoproteinNTHI0509Q4QNF32
Possible+E2677 pyruvate-flavodoxin oxidoreductaseVSAK1_10228A6D0Q32
Predicted oxidoreductase, Fe-S subunitVSAK1_15407A6D7122
Predicted periplasmic or secreted lipoproteinNTHI1960Q4QJT52
Predicted periplasmic or secreted lipoproteinVSAK1_05135A6D3502
Predicted Rossmann fold nucleotide-binding protein (Fragment)VSAK1_10593A6D9L32
Predicted signal-transduction proteinVSAK1_13553A6D4K22
Predicted thiol oxidoreductaseVSAK1_04585A6D7D32
Predicted transporter subunit: ATP-binding component of ABC superfamilyyadG E2348C_0130B7UIH52
Predicted Zn-dependent proteaseVSAK1_08306A6D0442
Predicted Zn-dependent protease, putativeACL_0991A9NGX12
Predicted Zn-dependent protease, putativeACL_0992A9NGX22
Preprotein translocase ATPase subunitsecA VSAK1_26800A6D9F82
Preprotein translocase SecG subunitLMRG_01797A0A0H3GEU12
Probable ABC transporter extracellular-binding protein YckB (ORF2)yckB BSU03380P424002
Probable aconitate hydratasePA0794Q9I5E42
Probable acyltransferasePA2537Q9I0U72
Probable amino acid permeasePA3641Q9HXZ02
Probable amino-acid-binding protein YxeMyxeM BSU39500 LP9EP549522
Probable ATP-binding component of ABC transporterPA3838Q9HXG62
Probable ATP-binding component of ABC transporterPA1807Q9I2T72
Probable bacteriophage proteinPA0617G3XD422
Probable bacteriophage proteinPA0619G3XD922
Probable bacteriophage proteinPA0640Q9I5S62
Probable binding protein component of ABC transporterVSAK1_00672A6D1952
Probable chemotaxis transducerwspA PA3708Q9HXT32
Probable chemotaxis transducerPA4915Q9HUP82
Probable coat protein A of bacteriophage Pf1PA0724Q9I5K42
Probable cytosol aminopeptidase (EC (Leucine aminopeptidase) (LAP) (EC (Leucyl aminopeptidase)pepA Cj0929Q9PP042
Probable cytosol aminopeptidase (EC (Leucine aminopeptidase) (LAP) (EC (Leucyl aminopeptidase)pepA BP2421Q7VW482
Probable D-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidasePA3047Q9HZG12
Probable D-alanyl-D-alanine carboxypeptidaseBP1051Q7VZ802
Probable extracellular solute-binding proteinBP0121Q7W0J52
Probable Fe(2+)-trafficking proteinBP2336Q7VWC42
Probable ferredoxinPA1551Q9I3G62
Probable FMN oxidoreductasePA3723Q9HXR82
Probable glycosyl transferase WbpJwbpJ PA3147Q9HZ802
Probable GTP-binding protein EngBengB Z5400 ECs4787Q8X8H02
Probable histidine-binding protein (HBP) (p29)hisJ cjaC Cj0734cQ461252
Probable HIT family proteinPA3295Q9HYU82
Probable iron-sulfur proteinPA4131Q9HWQ02
Probable lactose uptake ABC transporter periplasmic solute-binding proteinVSAK1_10773A6D2022
Probable lipoprotein EnvEenvE STM1242Q560302
Probable outer membrane proteinPA3894Q9HXB92
Probable parvulin-type peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase (PPIase) (EC (Protein p13) (Rotamase)BP3561P404152
Probable periplasmic serine protease do/HhoA-like (EC 3.4.21.-)htoA NTHI1905Q4QJY42
Probable permease of ABC transporterPA0605Q9I5T32
Probable phospholipid-binding protein MlaCmlaC yrbC b3192 JW3159P0ADV72
Probable Resistance-Nodulation-Cell Division (RND) efflux transporterPA2527Q9I0V62
Probable RNA-binding protein PA4753PA4753P954532
Probable secretion pathway ATPasePA5210Q9HTY02
Probable serine proteasePA3535Q9HY752
Probable short-chain dehydrogenasePA1344Q9I4002
Probable short-chain dehydrogenasePA2554Q9I0T02
Probable short-chain dehydrogenasespeA PA4389Q9HW152
Probable short-chain dehydrogenasePA4786Q9HV222
Probable short-chain dehydrogenaseBP2770Q7VVA92
Probable soluble lytic transglycosylasePA3020Q9HZI62
Probable thiol peroxidase (EC 1.11.1.-)tpx Cj0779Q9PPE02
Probable thiol peroxidase (EC 1.11.1.-)tpx lmo1583Q8Y6U82
Probable thiol peroxidase (EC 1.11.1.-)tpx VSAK1_22704A6CVU72
Probable thiol:disulfide interchange protein DsbCdsbC BP3270Q7VU582
Probable thioredoxinPA4061Q9HWW72
Probable tolQ-type transport proteinPA2983Q9HZM12
Probable TonB-dependent receptorPA0151Q9I6Y12
Probable TonB-dependent receptorPA4156Q9HWM52
Probable TonB-dependent receptor BfrD (Virulence-associated outer membrane protein Vir-90)bfrD vir90 BP0856P815492
Probable TonB-dependent receptor for iron transportbfrE BP0857Q7VZP02
Probable TonB-dependent receptor NMB1497NMB1497Q7DDB62
Probable TonB-dependent receptor YncDyncD b1451 JW1446P761152
Probable transglycolasePA1171Q9I4G62
Proline--tRNA ligase (EC (Prolyl-tRNA synthetase) (ProRS)proS ACL_0296A9NEY82
Proline--tRNA ligase (EC (Prolyl-tRNA synthetase) (ProRS)proS SSON_0208Q3Z5G32
Proline--tRNA ligase (EC (Prolyl-tRNA synthetase) (ProRS)proS VSAK1_11805A6D2T72
Prolyl endopeptidase Pep (EC MXAN_2016Q1DAS82
Prolyl oligopeptidase family proteinPG_1004Q7MVP42
Prophage lipoprotein Bor homolog (Lipoprotein Bor homolog from lambdoid prophage DLP12)borD ybcU b0557 JW0546P773302
Propionate catabolic protein PrpDprpD PA0792Q9I5E62
Protease DOVSAK1_04810A6D6C52
Protease II (Oligopeptidase B) (EC spr1204Q8CWQ82
Protease, insulinase family/protease, insulinase family proteinVSAK1_07814A6D8482
Protein CobWcobW PA2945Q9HZQ22
Protein CyaEcyaE BP0763P0DKY02
Protein deglycase HchA (EC 3.1.2.-) (EC PA1135Q9I4K02
Protein ElaBelaB Z3526 ECs3154P0AEH72
Protein export protein SecFVSAK1_14297A6D7532
Protein GrpE (HSP-70 cofactor)grpE VSAK1_11905A6D2V72
Protein GrpE (HSP-70 cofactor)grpE EcE24377A_2898A7ZQ542
Protein GrpE (HSP-70 cofactor)grpE BP2501Q7VVY02
Protein HflChflC PP_4891Q88DD62
Protein HflCVSAK1_09948A6D8D02
Protein kinase (EC
Protein PilHpilH PA0409P435012
Protein RecA (Recombinase A)recA lexB recH rnmB tif umuB zab b2699 JW2669P0A7G62
Protein RecA (Recombinase A)recA spr1757P0A4522
Protein RecA (Recombinase A)recA VSAK1_02059A6D4F12
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